Friday, May 2, 2008

Phrases On The Wedding Card

Everything in GTA IV: Everything in a special blog to

  • And with that we are already at the third post in April. This time, as you can tell from the title, "place" a new version, written, I think, by Valerio Massimo (if I'm wrong you will still find a fix on my blog) and is titled "The deception of a Roman priest ". With this release we return once again at the age monarchical (according to tradition, 753 - 509 BC) and is, in my opinion, justify the formation of the Roman Empire. Here is the translation.
  • The deception of a Roman priest
  • During the reign of Servius Tullius after a cow of one of extraordinary size and beauty was born to some householders in Sabine territory, by the priests was stated that if someone had that animal sacrifice in honor of Diana (ie Diana, the goddess of hunting, dative of advantage) on Mount Aventine, her country would have gained control of all the earth (from
  • totius orbis terrarum ). The owner happy for that prophecy came to Rome with great haste, he put the cow in front of the altar of Diana, to win (the final value of the future participle) with this command the sacrifice of the human race for Sabini. Then felt the first priest of the temple of that event (topic), urged that to not kill the victim before it was purified with water from the current station. While the farmer, having followed the advice, headed all'alveo of the Tiber, the priest met the opportunity, he sacrificed the cow to gain
  • stolen by the pious sacrifice to the earth the command of the Roman people. [by Valerio Massimo] hope that you find it useful, I conclude this post. Hello!


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