Sunday, September 28, 2008

Great White Shark Abiotic Factors

AQUEDUCT PARK TO CLEAN UP THE WORLD WIDE Pettazzoni (Alexandria Aqueduct)

Today Sunday, September 28, 2008 Sunday, September 28 "Clean Rome," the initiative to volunteer for the care and cleanliness of the city and organized by Legambiente Lazio City of Rome, and 'Toccata VI Hall at the park in our Alexandria Aqueduct (Largo Pettazzoni) Legambiente volunteers, employees of the AMA, Scout Association of Rome, the football team SS Lazio Marines and local residents (with accompanying children) will volunteers have worked in the collection of waste (hundreds of bags collected in areas adjacent to the park, several syringes, burnt remains of scooters etc ...) in cleaning graffiti in the park (AMA staff), repair the playground. The

everything 'was broadcast live by RAI (Italy Air Environment) also attended the Mayor of Rome Alemanno, the President of Palmieri VI hall, representatives of the Environmental League and Institutions City of Rome.
short, a special day not only for the occasional event (sensibilizzzare important for people) and the presence of institutions, but because 'for the first time we, the residents of the area we had the opportunity to know each other better, talk about problems the affected area, cleaning the whole area of \u200b\u200borgannizzare (together) a more 'accurate area for the future.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hospice Morphine Ativan

Softi Free OCR: First year special

Note: I started writing this post on the evening of July 20 The first time I wrote on the blog was in ' April 2007, after which I changed many things , to arrive at a more substantial change in August of that year, so, everything in a blog , despite being released in April 2007, is one year in ' August 2008. In recent days I have changed the colors, logo and background (I switched to a simpler style), it does not look too gray. The following public the number of posts per category from 13:08:07:
Biology - Chemistry 2 - 0 Cinema - 4
Communication - 5 Physics - 0
Latino - 12
Special - 14 TV - 3 Web - 8 In one year the number of visitors who entered the blog was not very high. Statistics are provided by Histats
. The computer from which I write is not counted in the results . Here are some details on the visits: Total visitors - 3520
Total page views - 5067

  • Page views per visitor -
  • 1.4
  • Member States of origin are:
  • Italy - 3303
  • U.S. visitors - 86 visitors
  • Other Countries - 105 visitors
  • In this post I wanted to say also that
  • I updated the terms of use of
  • everything in a blog
  • :
  • content on this blog are freely accessible / printable provided
not be reproduced on other websites / blog without my permission. For information, send an email to this address:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Is A Brazilian Wax Awkward


Sunday, September 14, 2008 In the spring
reported in a post that cleaning the garden had been much better off Pettazzoni ...... well .... after the summer the situation and 'been slowly deteriorating (see photo) of course the institutions of competence are made known, we also reported the situation of environmental degradation to the delegate of the 6th after finding that the town hall in person, said he impact would be done to resolve the situation.