Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spanish Flea Never Tv Theme

Mimas-PacMan: When scientists make a break

Mimas, the well-known moon of Saturn, was photographed infrared spectrometer on the Cassini probe that showed a rather odd figure that leads to the famous PacMan video game, noting temperatures around 92 degrees Kelvin (minus 181 degrees Celsius) . It 'was the first thought Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Definitely just made this reflection will be again subjected to work to read the scientific data to the surface temperatures of Mimas. Cassini collected the data on Feb. 13, during its closest flyby of the moon, which has a diameter of about 396Km and a huge crater called Herschel (shown in Figure ).
To read the news ...


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