Saturday, November 8, 2008

How To Masterbate With A Vinal Glove

The scientific evidence of the existence of so-called "paranormal"

I like to open this article with the statements made by Mario Bruschi, a professor of physics (Physics Department La Sapienza of Rome) in his article :

"Six years ago I tried to check (its maintenance) these statistics reported in other studies (considered reliable and colleagues) with an experiment based on test 'classics' of telepathy and clairvoyance, having more opportunities to use a group of persons who, for the special training received, hopefully it was above normal but still far from the 'professionalism' (with the dangers). The results of the experiment itself were highly significant for me even more significant in an unexpected way: in fact an account of the experiment (later published in a U. Grazia, Technical Union, Ed Mediterranee, Roma, 1990, 147-179), circulated among friends and colleagues and sent to CICAP did me a sequence of red-hot controversy and debate, forcing me to switch from a commitment and interest 'amateur', as it was in my field 'paranormal' till then, in further study and a more 'professional'. And so, to my surprise, I discovered that (...) the existence of ESP and PK phenomena has been experimentally proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

To understand what kind of scientific experiments can be shown without a doubt the influence of mind over physical reality, telepathic communication, precognition, you must have at least an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the statistics, but to understand what scientific theories could justify them, familiarize yourself with some elements of quantum physics, be aware of the latest discoveries of biology and genetics, and we must also keep an open mind to the latest speculation in the field of theoretical physics.
's start with statistics and with the random number generators. Without going into technical detail of how it is constructed, we can confine ourselves to know that there are electronic random number generators that have been tested experimentally, namely that in the absence of external influences we can provide in a totally random numbers within a given range. To test the ability of our mind / consciousness to influence physical reality often working with random number generators that can provide only the number 0 or number 1.

The statistic shows that if I try to make 4 draws random numbers between 0 and 1 have a chance of gaining 3 times 0 and 1 once. This would lead to a result 75% to 25% 0contro 1, just a manual for a fifth high school to check with the rules of combinatorics that the probability of obtaining such a result in 4 successive extractions is 0.25. This means that on 4 series of extractions of 4 numbers are expected to obtain a series with these results. The probability of getting 2 times 2 times 0 and 1 (50% of extractions for each of the numbers) is instead equal to 0.375. The likelihood of achieving a 75% 0 in the sweepstakes is just one and half times less than that to get the 50% and 50% 0 of 1.
What changes dramatically if we do an experiment with 40 draws. In this case the probability of obtaining 30 times 10 times 0 and 1, or 0 to 75% and 25% of 1 is 162 times less than the probability of obtaining 20 times 20 times 0 and 1. The probability of that fateful 75% tends to become smaller than the probability an equitable distribution of results, until a sequence of 100 draws such an event can be judged impossible.

Similarly one can verify (it's a bit 'longer and more boring, but the type of calculation is always the same) and on a series of 100, 200 or 1000 extraction is very difficult to get 52%, 53% , or 54% of either outcome: if the number of extractions is very high it is almost impossible that the percentage of 1's and 0's differs from 50% to more than one decimal place.

Which brings us to the point: they were made thousands of experiments in which he asked the to influence people with his mind the random number generators so that they gave more than 1 0 or more than normal. Number generators were tested previously and was checked for perfect functionality: in the absence of external influences always produce 50% of 0 and 50% of 1, but in the presence of people who strive with their intention to alter results in a way that we can achieve just 52%, 53% or 54% of one of the two numbers. The probability that if you continually get these results is the product of the (already low) probability that in a single experiment there is such a deviation from 50% the result of cumulative of all experiments in this regard shows that the probability of obtaining those results by chance is around 10 to the minus 50, or is expressed by a number with 49 zeros after the decimal point: 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 to speak.

Many such experiments have been conducted in the prestigious Princeton University in the project PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research ) and some of these results were published in prestigious journals in physics, see For example, Radin DI, Nelson R., Evidence for Consciouness-Related Effects in Random Physical Systems, Foundations of Physics, 1989, 19, 1499-1514.

A committee of the U.S. Congress in 1995 has asked the experts to carry out a check for the usefulness of government funding to research on the paranormal (some of which performed at the prestigious Stanford Research Institute). Both experts have declared that there is a strong statistical evidence that proves the existence of certain phenomena, in particular Jessica Utts argues that: using the judging criteria normally used in any other field of science is absolutely proven the existence of powers mentally since the results have proven reproducible in well-designed experiments (The report can be viewed at ~ Utts / ).

What, then, certain pseudo-scientific organizations that say they investigate the paranormal with more or less declared purpose of denying their existence? We still believe that they are in good faith, after discovering that there are many strictly controlled scientific experiments that prove the reality of the so-called paranormal, and even our everyday experiences prove the existence of extrasensory perception? Suffice it to say that such experiments have been validated for example by the Nobel Prize for physics and Brian Josephson CICAP members and similar organizations (such as CSICOP) not knowing better than to say that Josephson is a Nobel Prize revoked. " Not being able to challenge the reality they try to discredit those who tell it like it is.

It is no coincidence then that the CICAP is committed directly to "prove" that chemtrails do not exist. Organisation for nothing when trusted CICAP pontificates of the inexistence of the paranormal, or when dealing with phenomena for which the organization was founded, how you want to be trusted when it denies chemtrails, especially the mouths of people admitting verbatim "I am not a physicist, not a meteorologist, not an expert aeronautical, not a chemist and then write papers on" scientific "as Focus ?. But the amount of data on the existence of paranormal phenomena is not limited to those mentioned above and in truth I could list them all without writing an encyclopedia. Those who wish to learn can read for example the following three books, the last of which also tries to give some guidance to allow us to better use (and with positive purpose) our mental powers: The extended mind R Sheldrake (and Urra) The zero-point field Lynne McTaggart, Science intention by Lynne McTaggart.

A typical experiment on extrasensory perception is the one made Mikio Yamamoto and his colleagues at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Chiba, Japan. They have done a search on the tao-ate, martial technique to attack your opponent without physical contact. In the experiment the attacker, a Chinese qigong master, and the receiver were placed on three floors away in a room screens. The behavior of the recipient (the person is "under attack") was monitored by shooting video, as well as her skin resistance and its electro-encephalogram (EEG). Obeying the instructions of the investigators who followed a randomized double-blind procedure, the striker sent his "energy attacks" and very often the receiver at that instant is depicted (demonstrated by visual observation times) and showed EEG abnormalities and the resistance of the skin. Statistical analysis of correlations observed ruled out the possibility that this happened by chance and it was concluded that the tao-ate involves a form of transmission that is not currently explained by science (but not least is real). According to the master "attacker" what is transmitted is the energy that traditionally the Orientals call qi (or ki or chi, according to the transcripts). Ref: M. Yamamoto et al (2000) Study on analyzing methods of human body functions using simultaneous Various Measurements, Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 18, 61-97.

Among the many experiments they describe a very interesting experiment has shown that all people possess an unconscious precognitive abilities, which can literally present things not yet happened. The experiment was designed in the mid-90s of the 20th century by Dean Radin and his colleagues at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. In this experiment a computer using a function randomly selects a causal images that appear at regular intervals to a person while the electro-dermal sensors can measure the resistance of the skin (finger). With the variation of the emotional state it varies sweat gland activity and skin resistance changes measured by the sensor. These sensors are connected to a computer and allow you to perform continuous monitoring and to plot emotional response as a function of time. The images you see are the subjects of the experiment on the screen for 3 seconds, then there is a 5 second pause when the screen is blank and then restarts with the next image.

The images are chosen at random from a large archive that contains an equal number
a) still images of backgrounds and landscapes
b) crude images of war, blood, violence
c) images sexual / erotic

However, it is seen that the first images of type (quiet) do not cause any change in resistance measured by the sensors (the resistance-time curve in the graph is almost flat) while the images of type b (violent) and especially those of type c (sexual) cause a surge of resistance.

The amazing thing is that the signal Answer (a surge of strength-time curve in the graph) to photographs of type b and c was recorded mostly in advance of 3 seconds on the vision of the photo.

Dirk Bierman, professor of psychology in Amsterdam this type of experiment independently replicated and verified that the effect is more apparent with erotic images. The biologist Rupert Sheldrake who was one of the subjects who underwent the experiment, said the result: "The sudden increase of my electro-dermal activity started 5 seconds before the erotic images on the screen."

Further details on these experiments can be understood reading the book Dean Radin The Conscious Universe, Harper Edge, San Francisco 1977.

short, as it may seem incredible, we have science experiments that allow us to hypothesize that the foresight (and perhaps the prophecy) are possible, that our minds can look forward in time. Thus we are led to reconsider our idea of \u200b\u200btime (at least that which has been borrowed from a science very dogmatic). Of course, this and other experiments raise numerous questions of a psychological, scientific and philosophical. Mind the purpose of which was directed with precision could know the past as the future? The future is now written? There is a destiny? The future is outlined with accuracy or are only outlined the guidelines? If we advocate the future, then things will happen: we read the book of fate as it will be a book or read about what should be the most likely destination? Cognition (at least for sums lines) can be used to influence the future or the fate equally true despite our attempts to change it? [ do not ask me precise answers, the I'm still trying, even if from my studies in the field seems to be able to deduce that fate is not entirely defined ]

I know, I could turn my head in trying to answer these questions, and all too easy to try to regain emotional security, saying "no, not true, they are all lies." But the beauty is not only that the experiments were replicated, but we all have opportunity to realize how we can sometimes predict the future without any computerized device. Suffice it to analyze our dreams just wake up every morning writing their description in a journal and then see how many times these dreams conceal premonitions. Personally, I happened to find several times in dreams premonitions realizzatesi so too accurate. Maybe there are not realized yet because you have been heavily indoctrinated brainwashed by the media, the "orthodox science," but only if you open your mind to the possibility of precognition can begin to notice coincidences that can not be random. If you'd like to know what experiments of science would believe "such nonsense" you can find them in the books already mentioned. But it would be appropriate to remind skeptics that ton of dollars spent by the CIA to develop strategies for distance vision and foresight (Stargate project) in collaboration with the physical aspects. But of course the CIA did these things only to lose time and money ...

It has happened to many, many people to experience severe feelings of pain even in the absence of any obvious cause for the pain itself, and, moreover, paralleled by an identical pain (do not say the same but just the same) tried by another person with whom one is closely related (brother, mother, father , son, friend). Typical are cases of twins, one of which an accident occurs while the other, miles away and unaware of the accident of his brother, at the same time feels the same pain in the same body part that is offended by the incident .

At this point it should be noted that, apart from some pain between the ribs, some pangs in the stomach, cramps and similar things, there are no cases of pain that are received no apparent cause, and therefore the likelihood that a person receives some pain is not low, but it is exactly zero. And this is important, because even if the probability was of 0.001 percent, very low probability that multiplying the number of years lived by a person and, above all, the number of inhabitants of our planet, we would get the absolute certainty that the first or later, certain phenomena may occur for a pure coincidence casuale.Ma think of a person who feels a pain in the knee as if he had hit, and he feels such pain while sitting or lying on the bed (which did not then hit anywhere ) is a pain due to intercostal physiological causes, but is a pain inexplicable from the standpoint of orthodox medicine and biology. If it turns out that at the same time another person connected to it (for friendship or relationship) has taken a knock to the knee, the coincidence is that it can not be explained by any random phenomenon (the case you can not bring up , pace of the leaders of CICAP and similar organizations ) while logic dictates that the phenomenon can be explained by a phenomenon of causality (the knock to the knee to the person X is a cause of knee pain of the person Y ) and then considering the reality of synchronicity, the instant sharing of emotions and sensations.

Think back to the facts of your life then you will probably find examples of similar situations in terms of pure coincidence unexplained reason, ask your friends and relatives if they have experienced similar situations, but also ask the twins you know how many times they are similar incidents which occurred sincronicità.Personalmente as a teacher I had to do with so many people that I was difficult to collect several examples of such events primarily related to twins and in particular myself over me I experienced the same situation. Once, I did sleep in my house a person with a strong knee pain, and I also I felt that night the same pain, even failing to hit anywhere. The only explanation I could give is that the sensations of pain so strong that the person guests were transposed telepathically from my mind was that fit in with her.

Everyone has the possibility to examine only the powers such as ESP, telepathy, synchronicity of the non-random events are observable all around us: just open your eyes and look at reality without the prejudices that the information regime has instilled in our minds. And I assure you most believe in the possibility that such phenomena occur, most will experience them. What

So say for certain pseudo-scientific organizations that say they investigate the paranormal with more or less declared purpose of denying their existence? We still believe that they are in good faith, after discovering that there are many strictly controlled scientific experiments that prove the reality of the so-called paranormal, and even our everyday experiences prove the existence of ESP and how is it that these organizations are concerned both to deny the existence of UFOs (which in itself is not necessarily alien aircraft, but aircraft not identified), 's existence of the paranormal, the existence of civilization antediluvian the chemtrails , continuing to deny, deny, deny, until borders on the ridiculous? Perhaps because all these things are all too real, but too uncomfortable for the apparatus of power? (Except for UFOs and aliens that recently have been "rehabilitated" by the power with the publication of a number of "X Files" by the British and French governments, as well as the statement of Msgr. Bagnasco existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and this sudden and simultaneous sudden reversal of direction by the power stinks, it looks like there is under something sneaky ).

But why should these organizations deny us access to such information is verified through scientific experiments and through the careful observation of everyday? Perhaps if there were many people aware of these powers could use it for good, both to facilitate the healing process (we have seen in Section 2 as our government is intent to make us weak and sick) that radiate (with compassion meditation and exercise good intentions) messages of love that will strengthen the cohesion of human beings which are divided for purposes grim domain. Some of the experiments most interesting developed by PEAR, but also from other institutions, show that the effect of our mental powers are cumulative, and that if we apply in many in an attempt to change reality by thought the effect is most pronounced is the effect of coherence of intention that is very similar to that of the resonance or constructive interference of wave phenomena.

While many men develop their mental powers may also refine your intuition (another "hidden power" of our mind) to see more clearly what is happening around them and how power is poisoning them and manipulating. For now the criminal power above us made so that the people who know the powers of the mind was not fully aware of the logic of domination and exploitation of the elites who govern us (and so have many people using meditation and focused intention on limited objectives), while the people are well aware of how powerful are robbing and exploiting their subjects are still living in ignorance of their mental potential. I think that division is strongly supported by the powers that dominate us, and if one day they make a strong admixture of these two categories together with a renewed awareness of the reality around us (see, for example chemtrails) the power of elites that dominate the world could start to creak.


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