Friday, October 31, 2008

Thin Headbands Soccer

Version: Playing the flute cheeks deform

Author: Gellius
Gellius speaks of the art of playing the flute and the consequences of "negative" on the faces of those who who practice this discipline
In Roman the free man was ashamed to play the lyre or the harp or the flute ( plural applies to all other tibia in version) ,
because they believed that this suited him to the servants, and comedians. At the Athenians but the boys were instructed to play the flute
(sin) the early years (of life) ,
because it seemed very worthy men free. The well-known Pericles, Athens was made by the intelligence which
extremely popular when he was beside himself nephew Alcibiades
that (this) was educated in the fine arts of his house, called Antigenide , which the Greeks believed the more good among the musicians, to instruct the boy to play the flute. But after the boy had approached the flute to his mouth and swollen cheeks had seen in the mirror, it is said that he felt ashamed of so much ugliness (= deformity ) of his face. So fell violently to the ground and the flute (lo) broke. After this news spread, that discipline was abandoned with the consent of all the Athenians and no one wanted to learn the art of the flute after (= after that time) . We read in the myths that the same happened to Diana. In fact, after he saw the water of a source's mouth swells, so ashamed of his deformity who never used the flute.


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