Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pennsylvania Permit Quiz


yes, we can

Imagine a world without borders, where everyone grows in their own communities, speak their own language, living according to their customs, believes in god .... but without any border.

All this does not mean peace, love and brotherhood .... this would be a utopia! It means that the rules of coexistence, grants assistance, the laws of the market .... all under a single director .... a single government that has effective decision-making power on major humanitarian issues, such as world hunger, drought, pollution, global ..... problems, resources, solutions .... and no one is prevented from living according to their roots of origin .... This is the world I want ..... and are certainly not alone.

But do not stop to share these simple words ... we must go further, we must build something that does not exist today .... but we know exactly the future course for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren .... If you expect others to do so then, like a flock of lost sheep, join .... then we are complicit in the degradation in which we live, because nobody has the courage to start work so important ... alone.

To begin, it is enough to share, sharing of ideas out specific projects, the projects will see the works, the works will come to the principle set forth in this short write: ONE WORLD, ONE NATION.
Put your heart at rest, we will not enjoy this, but we have the privilege of being the first to believe it .... believe this point to convince future generations to continue and even future ones to complete the work, all for a better world.

December 11, 2008

Dario Montanari

If you think like me ... Do not delay, write me!

yes, we can

(google translated)

Imagine a world without borders, where, everyone grows in Their own communities, speak Their own language, living according To His morals, Believes his god .... but without any border state.

All this does not mean peace, love and brotherhood .... This would be a utopia! It means that the rules of coexistence, grants assistance, the laws of the market .... all under a single director .... a single government that has real decision-making power on major humanitarian issues such as world hunger, drought, pollution overall ..... problems, resources, solutions .... and nobody is prevented from living according to their roots of origin .... This is the world I want ..... and are certainly not the only one.

But do not stop to share these simple words ... we must go further, we must build something that does not exist today .... but we know exactly be the future course for our children, grandchildren and grandchildren .... If you expect others to do then, like a flock of sheep lost, aggregates .... then we are accomplices of deprivation in which we live, because nobody will have the courage to begin a work so important ... alone.

To begin, it is enough to share, sharing of ideas arise projects, the projects will see the works, the works will come to the principle set out in this brief writing: ONE WORLD, ONE NATION.
Put your heart in peace, we will not be us to enjoy this, but we have the privilege of being the first to believe .... believe to this point to convince future generations to continue and the future of even more to complete the work, all this for a better world.

11 December 2008

Dario Montanari

If you think like me ... not linger, write me!


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