Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brown Then Late Period Not Pregnant

intentions for peace: a global experiment

Roger Nelson, designer The Global Consciousness Project and a member of our scientific group has analyzed the effect of our experiment on the intention of Peace, as applied to a random event generator experiment he conducted on an ongoing basis throughout the world. (In this regard see >>> also )

Several studies reveal that the machines REG (Random Event Generator) were influenced by a 40-minute meditation came during the eight days of our experiment on ' Intention of Peace, and these changes were similar to those occurring during moments of reflection mass in areas where you try to reduce violence.

Analyzing the data for the whole week, Nelson and his colleagues found an consistent daily pattern. The increases in the order of the REG results were similar to the changes set out in our protocol, during 20 minutes of preparation, or "Powering Up", the observation of the target of Sri Lanka, and 10 minutes later to send the actual intention . Although the machines showed a change at the stage of Powering Up, when our participants were ready, the effect was more impressive in his 10 minutes of the experiment, while it sends the intention.

"In particular, the strong inclination of the data within 10 minutes of meditation seems equal to that observed in the examination of the same during the Transcendental Meditation meditators advanced level, "says Dr. Nelson. "These experiments such as" calming social "were in fact served as a model for the experiment on the intention of peace."

As some may recall, the experiment on the intention of Peace was born at the time by the many studies on TM (Transcendental Meditation). This shows that when a critical mass of patedipanti meditates regularly in the experiment area, the index of crimes or armed conflicts decreases.

But studies on the MT simply examine the effect of calming practices "Attention" as transcendental meditation, in fact. Our experiment has gone a bit 'more than examining what happens when a large group sends an intention to change very clear.

How does the Global Consciousness Project (Global Consciousness Project): A

REG, built to examine the effect of mind over machine is the electronic equivalent of the twenty-first century of the toss of a coin.

The result of these machines (the computer equivalent of "heads or tails") is controlled by a random frequency alternating positive and negative pulses. Given that their activities is completely random, the machines produce "heads" and "crosses" almost half of the time, according to the laws of probability.

Nelson has developed a computer program and centralized to ensure that the REG located in 60 places around the globe, and running continuously, continuously produce a stream of random bits of data in a huge central hub via the Internet .

Nelson and his colleagues are studying these periodically comparing current flows with the largest and latest news, trying to establish any sort of connection statistics. Methods and standardized analysis showed any manifestation of order - a when the result of the machine showed less random than usual - and if the weather generated corresponded to that of a world event more important.

So far the results have been compared with hundreds of more or less recent events, including the death of the Princess of Wales, the tragedy of September 11, reactions to the war in Iraq and President Bush. Every time someone showed reactions of great joy or fear in the face of a major event, even the cars seemed to react. Furthermore, the degree of "order" in the outcome of the machine seemed to meet the emotional intensity of the events, especially tragic: the greater the horror, the more order.

Because this result is so important.

Nelson tells us that a single study like this produces only a minimal statistical effect, and really know the "evidence" of a scientific effect only if we will repeat this kind of study again and again. "However, the fact that during the study, we found an effect every day, showing an impetus for change was during the period of 10 minutes of real experiment - Nelson says - shows a 'serious test of the effect of awareness and sensitivity of the network GCP at a level of detail unpredictably.

can >>> Join our assessment of the experiment on the intention of Peace

Now that you spent enough time to analyze the true effect of our intentions and collect the final scientific evidence, we also need your energy.

We need to know if and how you participate, your difficulties, and what has happened to you on a personal level during and after the experiment.

For example, you have experienced peace in life?

We have arranged for you a simple survey online. The questionnaire does not require personal information, such as your name or address, but details on your experience with the experiment of Peace and its consequences. Any information you provide will be used only in the context of scientific articles, reports or as part of my personal experiment on these e-news, and elsewhere. None of the material used
identify you personally.

Dedicateci five minutes. Your help will provide valuable data on the experiment and offer suggestions on how to improve our system for future experiments on the intention.

Thanks in advance for taking a minute to participate in the survey by clicking here .

Source: Science and Knowledge
Source: Veritas


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