Saturday, February 21, 2009

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Summary: Crito

Info: find below a summary of the "Crito" by Plato. I summarized the dialogue for each chapter (the number is given in brackets at the beginning of each of them in Roman numerals).
Source: The reference text is a translation of Manara Valgimigli from "The great philosophers , Plato (The Sun 24 hours).
Note: If anyone finds any mistakes (spelling / have to copy / paste the document from Word to Blogger), may report in the comments.
Summary: Crito

(I) sad Crito arrives at dawn to find Socrates in the prison and tell him that the death probably will find that the next day, because the ship from Delos is coming on the day of the visit. I do not wake up now because they see clear. (II) Socrates, however, refutes his hypothesis because he had a dream in which a beautiful woman said that her death would come three days later. (III) Crito's friend then please accept his help and out of jail, because if you lose a loved one died and no one will believe him if he says it wanted to save. Socrates, however, the cheers, saying that the wise will understand the situation and that of the common people need not worry: this is not capable of doing great good and is not able to do great evils. (IV) Money is not an issue in the Crito, and even a bit of it to avoid punishment not worry: once fled, Socrates has the opportunity to take refuge in Thessaly where no race hazards. And if he does not want his help, there are many others, like Simma and Cebes, who admire him and like him, willing to offer their support. (V) Socrates must not play into the hands of his enemies, should not die, but also not to abandon her children because otherwise it would be a good man, virtuous. E 'was stubborn, it's true: the whole process could have been avoided from the beginning if he had permission to Crito to help. But now is one way of escape: escape from jail the following night. (VI) Socrates, in response to his friend, said she had always relied on reason or, rather, on what seemed to be the best reason in this situation and can not do otherwise. Also, do not give heed to the opinions of all but those wise men. (VII) We hear so few, but fair, rather than the multitude, unjust, and with his views as we destroy, kills the body. (VIII) If the body is ruined, is dead, we can no longer live, but that is the same for our soul, more important than the body, which benefits from justice, but injustice is corrupted. In order to live, but live well not only survive, we must listen to the truth, to God and not to the crowd: you must live according to justice. (IX) opinion on how to raise children, give the money to flee is the vulgar, but rather than commit injustice escaping from prison (if this is wrong) is better to die or suffer any more evil than the life is important relationship to consciousness! Crito Socrates then asks whether it is right for him to implement the plan of escape. (X) injustice, in the opinion of Socrates, one should never do and even make. E 'opposed to revenge. But the injustice is also hurt. Therefore you should not hurt someone in order to live well. Crito is said to agree on this point. (XI) And if, beyond this theory injustice and evil, the laws could speak and were to meet them while the philosopher tries to escape, what would they say? According to Socrates because he was accused of committing an injustice, not to be killed, he becomes a murderess: in this way is killing the laws, because it makes decisions taken useless and void any order that is built around them, both the city. And the only thing that could answer is that the fugitive takes revenge for injustice suffered, but, as mentioned above, would not live so well. (XII) continues its imaginary dialogue with the law. Only thanks to them Socrates was born, was raised and grew up: every citizen must therefore their homeland and the great respect, rather than the father, and all must obey the laws, by sending them to receive all that, good or bad it is, without rebelling / revenge without sending them to death if you are so doomed. Socrates is, therefore, son and servant of the law and suffers an injustice if you have the right to defend itself, but only that, as he has in fact resulted in the process. (XIII) But if a man does not want to respect the laws of the city is free to leave or to stay and obey what they ordered. (XIV) The guilt of Socrates goes wrong with the laws would much more serious than that of any other Athenian: in fact he has always loved both the laws that the city, so that very few times he left to go elsewhere. And moreover, is too late to leave: he had the chance to be exiled rather than killed him: he has made his choice, draw back would be a coward and would violate the terms with the laws, it would look ridiculous. (XV) However, if you beat it to go far away from Athens because the surrounding cities are well governed and would not be welcome because he has broken laws, plus the judges who condemned him and the accusers would switch on the side of right. If you go to Thessaly, where no one know, could no longer do his fine words: lose all the way after what he did. Escape to bring up their children may not be an excuse: it is foolish to take them away from Athens, to live while his friends who care for them and he is far away, as if they did so after his death. (XVI) Justice is the main thing! And 'better for Socrates to die rather than offend offended unjustly laws / loved ones / himself and perish after a few years, however, concerned that the laws in the afterlife they will not let calm. (XVII) This is what the laws say, this is what Socrates believes that: there is no Crito can do nothing to change his mind for his friend to death.


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