Sunday, May 24, 2009

Den On Wireless Headphones


In this post I found the summary unit and then the chapter by chapter of "Fahrenheit 451" (Oscar Mondadori; translation by George Monicelli) written by Ray Bradbury

Unit Summary: Fahrenheit 451

some time now, was forbidden to read and own books. Anyone who would try to disobey the orders of government would be severely punished. Guy Montag and his team of firefighters who were responsible for the destruction of books, was aware of this. Even in school was forbidden to make use of the books so much that only use the projections.

one evening, Guy met his neighbor: Clarisse McClellan, a seventeen year old girl who was part of a bizarre family too weird. Despite what Guy was surprised by the amount of things that she knew and that conveyed to him. Clarisse knew everything about Guy: he was either happy or in love with his wife Mildred, with whom he communicated very rarely and that was a disproportionate use of sleeping pills. But above all realized that Guy was different from other firefighters.
Montag met many other Clarisse McClellan times and knew, after the girl died in a car accident, that everything around them had only one life was organized and operated in all respects by the government. Over time
Guy became insecure and unable to understand why most people, their own will the will, had made the decision not to read more. So I think the answer is right in the books, of which he had collected about twenty a year from now. Mildred Montag was contrary to the fact that they read and what justifies its future reaction.
could not find an answer, Guy went to Faber, a former professor of literature, to understand where he slipped, but told him that he did not seek an answer in the books but what a time there was inside. Montag asked him to help because it was devoid of friends and Faber agreed.
Captain Beatty, who headed the team of arsonists, Guy knew he had picked up a book during a mission, that Montag's returned, but found the others and not even he was surprised when he got a call that criticizing the presence of books in Montag's house. It was Mildred, his wife to report it. Montag was surprised at what his eyes saw and his hands after they burned their own house of Guy: Beatty killed the captain and the Hound, a dog made of iron wires and built to find those who had committed various crimes.
Montag, chased by the police, fled the city where he took refuge with a group of former professors, book authors and supporters of his ideas. Many people like Guy, had memorized several books and then write them back when the war now under way to restore it would end the culture that the man himself had built.
bombers flew high over the city immense and dropped their bombs destroyed. Guy and then took each other to help those who remained alive.

summary chapter by chapter: Fahrenheit 451

1 The hearth and the salamander

In a society too large, where it was forbidden to own and read books, where people spent their days watching TV and the big walls did not talk hardly ever, Guy Montag, 30 years old, performed his work firefighter who was in the destruction of books through the flamethrower. For several days now, Montag felt a strange presence behind the corner that had to overcome in order to return home. But time was running every corner of the road there was none. One of these nights he seemed to hear a whisper from behind the corner. I'm not mistaken. He saw a beautiful young girl: Clarisse McClellan, his 17 year old neighbor. Clarisse was a weird girl with a family in turn strange: they were different from others. Clarisse loved to listen to people, knowing what they are interested in, observe nature and all it had to offer. Dwelt in analyzing the things he talked about the moon, the evolution of the world during all those years, the reasons why the government had banned the possession of the books, but above all he was not afraid of Guy, unlike other who feared the fire department. He realized that he was for many years now that no one cared so much about him and his life. In addition, he was surprised that girl who, after traveling together the way home, asked him if he was happy . He did not have time to answer, but to comfort the mentally said "It . But when Guy went into his bedroom, dark and cold, with his wife, with headphones in his ears, he had consumed an entire tube of sleeping pills, terrified, after calling the emergency room, he found not to be happy and that girl he knew everything about him, even when, the next day, said he was not in love. Montag began to meet more often in the strange girl he met that night in late summer now. She pointed out things that he never turned his attention. A Guy Clarisse seemed to know for many years (even if it was just a few days) and thought she had finally found a person who really listened and understood him, unlike his wife Mildred did not communicate with which almost never . An alarm sounded in the barracks of the fire, in which Montag was on duty. Together with his companions, Beatty, Stoneman and Black, Montag rushed to the place where the books were still present. After that mission, during which an old woman, who was in that house, lost his life, Montag began to doubt all of those securities from which it was surrounded. He, like Clarisse, he wondered why the government bans the reading books and the people themselves because they refused to read them. For a year now, during missions, Guy had raised about two dozen books, the knowledge of his companions. He could not explain why that its conduct was repeated, but when he showed his wife's books, she, unable to comprehend what Montag was trying, he was terrified and wanted to destroy all the evidence that would subsequently broke that cocoon of tranquility where she herself spent her life. The problem was that the same Montag did not understand what he felt: he was insecure, he doubted everything that went with him day after day, despite all the fun he was unhappy at his disposal and despite being always busy and do not have time to think, he realized, also, along with Mildred, can not remember the place where they met. All this was further compounded by the fact that Clarisse was killed in a car accident. Therefore, to understand why the government was so afraid of books and understand why they feel so insecure, Guy decided to read along with Milie, some of those books before handing over to a Captain Beatty, who had hinted at Montag to know who had stolen a book that night during the fire.

2 ° The sieve and the sand

An entire afternoon is not Guy was sufficient to find the answers to his questions. Now believed not to have more friends, people you can rely on, which they did, when suddenly remembered an old man named Faber who had known some years before. Went to him. The old man, initially hesitant, he was surprised, knowing that Guy's work place, when it gave him the bible that was holding in his hands. Montag explained that no one listened to him and none of those he knew, he was happy. Also said that the only good thing that the world was free, were the books. Faber told that for this reason that he wanted to teach him to understand what he read. Faber, now calm, replied that the books were not what it needed but what a time you could find in the books, the content of the substance. He decided to help him, but Montag, wanted more: he knew he was capable of producing multiple copies of the very few books left, so that everyone can enjoy the teachings of the latter. Faber hesitated. Eventually, however, agreed with Montag and promised his full support. He understood that Montag was really decided to challenge what they called government, that is the majority, when he read this poem to her friends of Mildred. His action was reported to firefighters, but Beatty did not consider. That same day, Guy went to the barracks of the fire. With trembling hands, which constantly sweating because of that guilt he felt, Montag Beatty handed one of the books that had "collected". Beatty seemed to forgive him and do not know of other books that Montag, before leaving home to go to work, had hidden in the bushes to prevent them from burning Mildred had already started to eliminate them one by one. The alarm bell rang about thirty times. In that call, which could not be ignored, said the entire team of fire, even though Montag, by now in the minority, would not have wanted to go now to destroy what little was left. At the head of the Salamander, their vehicle, there was, unusually, Beatty, who had just ripped up the piece of paper with printed the address of the place that would host yet another fire, without revealing it to anyone. With a resounding roar, the Salamander stopped abruptly. That night was different from others in which fires were taking place. It was different because the Salamander had stopped right in front of the house of Montag. -

3 ° The flame shining

When he saw outside his house dark and empty with the TV off wall, Montag was surprised, but his face expressionless. Beatty, however, knowing where the fire would have occurred that night, satisfied with what his eyes looked, Montag scolded and forced him to burn himself to the causes that lead to this. Guy, petrified, he saw his Milie, who was now getting on a taxi, which had betrayed him, for fear, or perhaps because of selfishness, and had given quell'allarme. Montag And now, having contested the flamethrower, began to burn his house and realized that everything that was inside was not his, he was alien to everything. Because of the yellow-red flame, caught fire walls along with the TV "family" fatuous now no longer spoke, was left in silence, trapped in those screens lifeless gray. Little by little everything that Guy and Mildred had built, since they were married, collapsed. A pile of ashes that was all that remained. Montag was doing the work that had almost nothing different from what he had done over the past ten years. While burning any proof of his being in that house, Beatty pointed to a focus on books. When everything was over, the captain, not satisfied with all the blame to Guy, he began to beat him until he fell victim's ear the little green cap that Faber had given him. At that moment, Montag felt that, by now, the chances were two to react against the master or watch the death of his old friend, because the captain had understood everything. Guy stood up, took back the flamethrower and directed him towards Beatty. A fire captain wrapped the lifeless, that he wanted to die . Montag still could not believe that his hands had made that gesture, when suddenly with a violent blow froze the other two of his companions. The Hound was nearby and gradually approached the killer attacking and injuring him in the leg, but Guy grabbed the flamethrower again and this time the victim was the dog and iron wire, alive and dead at the same time. Incredulous, terrified, grieving. This was Montag. He picked up the remaining books and fled, while police helicopters, scattered throughout the city, they began their hunt to catch Guy Montag, who is guilty and victim simultaneously. That same night the war was declared, but no one was disappointed. They were all committed to the pursuit of the man who had committed a crime against the government and now wandered alone through the streets of the big city toward the house of Faber. Yes Instinctively he headed home the elderly former teacher, even though he knew he could not stay long. They were both happy at seeing each other in life. Montag told everything that had happened to Faber. On TV announced that another hound was put on the trail of Montag, who was now out of the house of Faber, with a suitcase and a bottle of whiskey in hand, to go along the banks of the river and arrive finally at the track railroad, now abandoned, to try to escape Police and take refuge with some of the former professors who, according to Faber, were there. Montag and Faber left out of the house. She could not know that he would never seen the city as it was now. He ran along the shore as quickly as possible, moving from one TV to another wall, and the Hound was behind him. He missed his tracks by changing clothes and liquor, poured pure. He left, then drag the river at one point led him on a shore. Guy was no longer in danger. He saw a group of people, according to the assumptions of former professors ... Faber, who gave the welcome and showed him what was going on a manhunt was back in town, and to any person who was walking, he caught, unwittingly, the role of Montag. That victim, in a few moments, he found himself with the Dogs in front ready to attack. On TV announced that the chase was over and that the fugitive Guy Montag was no longer a danger to the government, they died. All those people who had met Guy, like him, although he did not feel important. Each of them was a book. That is, each of them knew by heart a book, Montag is why they were important. Their purpose in life was to wait until the war ended to rebuild everything from scratch and re-introduce that culture as had been lost. They rewrote the books, although most of the details would be lost, but a sufficient portion would remain. And if people did not yet understand the importance of books and the content of those people, including Guy, would have passed on their knowledge to their children that would have made the same gesture with their children, and so on ... generation to generation, until everything was not rebuilt. Shooting all six turned. The bombers had begun the work of destruction: one two three bombs. Montag shouted Clarisse, Faber, and Mildred to leave the city. He noticed, however, that Clare was dead. Faber probably would not have had time to leave the city because it was on the bus directly to St. Louis, recently left. And Mildred, poor Milie sitting between the walls of living together with the "family" hotel, not knowing what was going on because the TV did not say anything about the war and the bombs were falling in those moments and immense tireless city. Guy saw his wife, unaware of what was happening, stay calm and relaxed as one of the bombs fell rapidly about hotel: a meter, a centimeter, a millimeter. The bomb touched the building began to fragment. In this way, iron, wood, concrete and all those who were in that building were mixed, producing a huge cloud of dust. At that moment, Guy recalled. He remembered the place where he had met for the first time Mildred: he was in Chicago. The city was probably largely destroyed. Then the men started walking towards the city, because many people there, they would need their help.


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