Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tiffany Granath Y Juli Aston

Summary: A boat in the woods

In this post I found the information (abstract, figures, general analysis of the book) of "The Catcher in the Rye" (Ugo Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing), written by Paola Mastrocolla .

Summary: A boat in the woods

Chapter One - A high school ... disappointing

Gaspar Torrente is a boy of thirteen years, having moved from his island in the south to northern Italy, prepares for its first year of high school. With his mother, he left his father Adrian, a summer job boatman and fisherman in the winter, to study in a school the north where, according to his prof. the medium of French, Madame Pilou, expectations of teachers towards the students are very high. While wanting to engage in learning, Gaspare is reluctant to leave but his father, convinced by his mother, originally from Piedmont, let the little dot in the vast sea to move to Turin from Aunt Elsa, a widow, was granted to his sister and nephew stay with her without spending much. So, now Gaspare meet every morning to make breakfast in the dark, not to wake his mother who works all day, and alone. E ', however, raised the idea that the commitments the school turn away from the thought of father and they roll time very quickly, to return as soon as possible on the island. Is wrong. Wrong because the first week of high school was "forbidden to school" to include students who attend high school "is like drinking a glass of water." Gaspare is disappointed not only by the week of hospitality, but also by what follows as festivals and other events except classes, study, translated versions as he used to do on the island. Even the relationship with classmates not going very well: First, most of his colleagues belong to very rich family and he instead a poor, second is very different from him, do not like to study, do not do and judge people by what they wear, what shoes to wear, so only the outer appearance without presenting a minimal interest in the feelings that one test. The young feel so excluded, no stranger to this very complicated system that he envisioned and instead turns out to be quite the opposite. His school level is very high and does not want to start over from scratch, but to continue learning. He realizes that the teachers are not adequately fulfill their role: they are still for months on one page, do not listen to his demands and especially come in late, why does a stream table that wants to submit to the Dean, from which we receive a treatment similar to that paid it by his teachers. E 'therefore' a boat in the woods, "which is found between narrow and wide, without knowing which group it belongs to, or if it is really part of someone.

spend so many months that Gaspar lives with suffering, without any consideration on the part of his companions, and waiting for the arrival of Christmas to return, even if briefly, on the island to see his father. Meanwhile, the dean advised him to attend the OA, that is the time to listen, to talk to profess a ready, in fact, to hear him. This teacher named Anna Cat, proves to be very polite and tries to "integrate", finding the problems that the boy found.

For Christmas Gaspare decide, on the advice of the Cat, ask the mother of a Play Station: she, however, despite having opened a food to meet the financial demands that could not be remedied by money sent by her husband, she says to choose between the return on the island or the Play Station. It turns out that the young do not get either of them gifts because, having chosen to go see his father, is forced to remain in Turin, with her mother to take care of Aunt Elsa became ill.

Chapter Two - A second year of "integration"

spent the summer in September Gaspar finds class in the past year and the problems of integration. During the holidays, went on the island, has revised his father and Giorgia, a childhood friend, but this does not say the Cat. I do not say why you ashamed to speak of his family, because they believe poor. Meanwhile, prompted by prof. OA urges the mother as a belt of fish imagines that this will succeed him to join the herd, that's got a belt like that. But it is wrong, but getting that item from Aunt Elsa, is not taken into account by the other for which he is a different, an alien, as he likes to call the Professor. gymnastics. The solution to your problem, however, finds it in a field that is very good: the Latin. In fact, as the daily companions copy the sentences to be translated by him, he strives with another person to make copies of his work and distribute it to the whole class. The plan works for some time, but still the prof. De Man, suspicious by the significant improvement of the students in his subject, he finds the whole thing and, furious, called the Dean who, once identified the two culprits, warns them only verbally. These events are earning a lot of support Gaspar, as well as the subsequent insult to the prof. French, by the class that is now known his belt, his new clothes, like jeans and tee ... Only one thing prevents them from making really part of the pack: his votes to reduce at least partially they prefer to be himself as well as his colleagues. Receives "lessons dog" by his companion, who were responsible sentences, presented to him the "Switch" and "Cab" and he feels truly part of the pack. These successes with others to cause some problems with the young mother and the school due to the fact that his commitment begins to dwindle considerably: he attends parties, losing one of the returns on the island, drinking beer at the age of 14 (- 15) years and above is meant to be identical to the others. Would like all they have in fact, his friends and even buy a cell phone. His major change is highlighted particularly by swearing that when he speaks by phone and says, surprised by his mother, is criticized quite a bit.

When Gaspar received the news of the upcoming arrival of Corinne everything seems to change. Corinne is a girl that will be hosted at the home of young, and he in turn will stop with her: these are the cultural exchanges that help, according to the fawns - Cerutti, to learn better French. This concludes another difficult year for that stream, while gaining the admiration of peers, it still feels excluded from the group especially for its social condition. When back in the summer on the island but no longer sees his father Giorgio. The dialogue between the two is very difficult because one would confess to not being able to stay in Turin because of people who are there and hopes that others ask him, while his father wants his son to say something for themselves. The problem is solved when the mother of Gaspar him to talk about his school work, friends and people who know him, this event is perhaps even worse than the previous silence as the claims of the young are mere lies: says as friends have some fantastic people, such as with Seba, translating Horace and walk along the Po, it is just lies saw that Sebastian does not deign even to answer the calls when Gaspare in beer, he considers that less than its level, the level of the son of billionaire people.

Chapter Three - Waiting Corinne

After returning from the island, beginning with the period of Gaspare High School. He is very happy with the news of the arrival in April, Corinne. However there is a problem: Stream does not have a computer and therefore can not communicate with the girl. With the help of Aunt Elsa everything is resolved. The house where the young lives is, in its opinion, unfit to host Corinne and therefore continually trying to improve it, buying plants or even trees to cover the heating tubes, which can not take off, and the coffee stain left on the kitchen wall after he accidentally spilled Aunt Elsa. He decides to buy a carpet to make the house look more beautiful. Meanwhile, start to socialize with the detached Furio, a boy at the high school during the interval is always close to the radiator, because, as Gaspar the first, has no friends. A school Torrente no longer takes all ten, but is limited to seven because it follows almost the explanations of teachers and is able to overcome the sufficiency through what he had learned earlier. In Latin, the votes of the classmates are the same as yours because, through e-mail, everyone can have a copy of the translation, without attracting the suspicions of prof. De Gente. Furio helps substantially and offers its support, the tinge of yellow hairs to deal with the lies written an e-mail to Corinne.

Chapter Four - The University has not changed anything

Corinne Gaspar party allowing extreme disappointment on his behalf. The girl, in fact, all the time that has been in Italy has not even considered, just staying in the house of Aunt Elsa. Torrente develops greatly his passion for plants and when it's time to choose the University at Berkeley while he goes Furio does the Latin, which is his passion, but inscribed in law. He graduated with Batticolla, a professor at the university, doing a thesis on Ruttilio Namaziano. Cultivate new friendships in the university by being aware that here too unfortunately shooting all over again, never going on. Of particular importance is the friendship Svitiglio, an alumni of Batticolla for which they work, allowing him to graduate but also to talk to Batticolla.

Chapter Five - Back to the Roots

Gaspar graduated and, unable to enter into a law firm to do its job, open a bar. Meanwhile, lost her mother, never knowing what he meant, she was always so reserved, the aunt, who died of bronchitis careless, the father, due to ischemia. And so Gaspar remains utterly alone, without friends, except that now Furio returns from Berkley. Become an architect and having opened a "peluccheria" Furio, moved by the situation and seeing a glimmer of Gaspare to help him, invites him to join its factory and put together his macerate and its creating a world forest trees. Gaspare refuses because he realizes that it does so only out of friendship. However, the stubborn detached designs a project and change the flat, and that Aunt Elsa a neighbor, after buying, in a radical way by allowing the plants to Gaspar to live more freely. The world's forest is a great success: business people will dwell difficult to escape everyday life, they stop to listen, to read the translations from Latin of Gaspare now no longer ashamed to show their interests. Torrente asks the adoptive sister of Furio to marry him and waiting for a reply back for a short time on the island. Do not sell the boat, keeping the only thing of father's remains and he realizes that, in a cruel society and no ears, he, without being able to become a lawyer, something he did: as the World Woods and has become fisherman like his father (according to the will of the latter).


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