Saturday, September 11, 2010

Uk Wear Red Flower Pin


Garbage, neglect and being Alexandria Aqueduct and Pettazzoni Largo. The letter of complaint from a resident who photographed the area and sent his report to the Republic of the waste materials of CATHERINE DE TOMASO *
degradation via Alexandria Aqueduct and Pettazzoni Largo has been repeatedly reported and denounced several years now, so I think it is unnecessary to add new warnings or complaints. Would dictate a type of "time to act !!!!", but since I would not have any. The images that I attach no need to be commented on but I want to accompany the photographic documentation with a bit 'of information made here and there so that we can have a clearer picture of the state of degradation via Alexandria and Aqueduct Park Largo Pettazzoni (henceforth referred to Sangalli Park).


dress for some time in the area of \u200b\u200bTorpignattara, area VI Hall, where there is one of the highest population densities of Rome. A district certainly cumbersome, but very attractive to the diversity of colors, smells, and languages \u200b\u200bfor its "folkloristicità", if I pass this term. Every morning to go to work on foot through the aqueduct via Alexandria, from beginning to end, an avenue along which extends one of the aqueducts of ancient Rome. A solemn monument that has survived allassedio of the Goths and the bombings of World War II, but that may not survive the strain brought by time, neglect and dall'inciviltà man.

Today is submerged by the impressive accumulation of garbage, bottles, any type of waste deposited along the green path that runs alongside. It is not only a depressing spectacle, painful, indecent, offensive to the sight. It 'also a source of discomfort because you are forced to change course and to walk in the middle of the road with the danger of being knocked down. In short, the aqueduct, seen today, looks like a open dump and the degradation of its green area is in an almost irreversible.

green space along the aqueduct via Alexandria and Park Largo Pettazzoni has been made in the nineties under the project which would Centopiazze followed by the restoration of the aqueduct and the creation of a lighting system around the avenue. Centopiazze The project was part of an ambitious program to develop a system of public park and a network of neighborhood gardens that served to rehabilitate the land. The program included multiple interventions affecting public spaces of all the municipalities and, quoting from a document found on the website of the City, this was focused on recovering the quality of life lost due to the emergence of spontaneous settlements or non-completion of previous programs and was aimed at increasing the per capita green. Today the park in Largo Pettazzoni, as shown in some photos, it is celebrated daily and is attended children, the elderly, cyclists, Bengali, Roman, Roman, African and Chinese, but is no longer a park! Given the state of decay that pays, I would say that the project Centopiazze has helped to increase the number of garbage per capita than the green. But because this area is so small?

is a place certainly needs to be kept! I read that from 2004 to 2006 the maintenance of the park was given the Coop. Villa Maraini working in the field of re-employment of people from difficult situations with the main aim of offering them the opportunity to work and economic and social reintegration. Speaking on the phone with the person who is directly interested in the cleanliness of the area, I was told that the interventions were performed twice a week. The contract ended in 2006 and has not been renewed with the cooperative said. After several questions, motions and petitions committee of citizens spontaneously (500 signatures collected in 2007), in 2007 the Garden of Largo Raffaele Pettazzoni was cleaned with a coordinated effort that saw the protagonists of the nineteenth Centopiazze Office Department, the assessor Environment of the Rome City Hall 6 and the Managing Director to the enhancement of the archaeological heritage of the same City Hall.

During that operation is performed the routine maintenance of the garden and carry out restoration work of some important pieces of furniture: benches made of metal, much more resistant than wood, baskets and baskets in iron, also installed on the main square, cleaning and renovating fire area for children, rehabilitation of a green area cordoned off for several months to due to subsidence of the land, fenced off with iron pedestrian, etc.. But what is it worth the effort, including economic, then if the area is abandoned and not maintained? What does make baskets, baskets very small as you can see in the pictures, if he ever nonengono emptied? As evidenced by the photos, the baskets along the avenue and the park are full of waste and water supply, each passing day, I can say that are always in this condition, many of which have leaked waste and lie on the floor, a clear sign that the degradation of this green is not only attributable all'inciviltà of the local residents and visitors of the park but at a cleaning service non-existent or non-systematic and constant (the bins are never emptied, the trees are not pruned, the grass is never mowed).

On May 29, 2010 twenty citizens, rolling up their sleeves, they decided to act autonomously in Sangalli to rip the park and green areas around large R. Pettazzoni all'incuria and degradation. Were collected about 50 bags of waste! In mid-July 2010, the sixth President of the Municipality and its junta have made a visit and, having ascertained the state of abandonment, the day after was sent to a WADA team that proceeded to mow the lawn overlooking Largo Pettazzoni top and empty the buckets from the waste. Unfortunately, an intervention that was limited to the cleaning of a confined space, on which a few days later there was the Festival Theatre Pigneto 2010 edition.

I send photos were taken 3 weeks after the event of the theater, demonstrating that the cleaning of the garden, immediately after the festival, has not been made. After this long introduction I must ask myself: why cleaning the garden and the green space along Aqueduct Street Alexandria must depend only on the effect of complaints from the initiative or volunteer service and can not be paid regularly as is the case for Via di Villa Berta TORPIGNATTARA or green areas for many of the historical center of Rome and decent neighborhoods? What is the cause of or abandonment of the area? A budget cut by the town council? A lack of planning of the operations of the municipal gardens? A rebound on the maintenance area of \u200b\u200bexpertise? A constant shortage of funds for this chapter? Why should we allow children to play amid the garbage, in deplorable sanitary conditions?

Allow the maintenance and cleaning green area are brought back to the good will and initiative of a group of volunteers in my opinion means denying the existence of UAccounting public of a social system and organized a political organization. I also think that the owner of the 'public affairs' will sooner or later to face the consequences of the lack of responsibility and acts to the company that administers. I hope that this issue deserves to be considered by some people that may soon be followed by concrete actions and lasting.

Detomaso * Catherine, a resident of the area


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