Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Causing Ear Problem

discovered a planet similar to our solar explosions

Telescope Kepler
Scientists working with NASA's Kepler satellite reported having identified a planet with a diameter of 1.5 times that of Earth around a sun-like star 2000 light years distant from us. However, "We are still in the process of confirming that this planet is actually a candidate for the similarity to the ground," said Matthew Holman, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, a NASA-sponsored conference of 26/08/2010.
What news ... if they travel at the speed of light take us 2,000 years to come.
Although we are waiting for a vehicle and curved space-time we should hope that even now has not been torn apart by an asteroid. Let us remember that what he has observed the Kepler telescope is the history that goes back to the birth of Christ.

Some pictures on the Kepler Mission:

still in the labs:


The mission:


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