Monday, February 28, 2011

Online Question Genie

Ceremony Chartered titles XXIII Cycle Research, PhD in "History of Europe"

It is held today, February 28, 2011 , the transfer of the securities of PhD XXIII cycle of the PhD in "History of Europe '.
The ceremony was held at the premises of the Department of Culture History, Religion, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy.
The jury composed of professors Roberto Sinigaglia, and by Professor Marco Gervasoni Elena Dundovich examined the following doctors:

- Badal Paul , thesis on "the Italian secret services during the civil war in Spain 1936 - 39.
- Bumbaca Maria Pia , thesis on "The spirit and ideas. The organization of Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations."
- Cerasani Francis, thesis on "The French Détente between 1965 and 1969. The personal diplomacy of Charles de Gaulle as an instrument of detente with Moscow and the countries of Central - Eastern Europe."
- Lenzi Francesca Romana , thesis on "Strategies and instruments of foreign policy: the Italian military missions abroad in peacetime."
- Massimiliano Marzilli, thesis on "A special kind of opposition. PCI and center - left, 1960 - 1968.
- Andrea Porcaro, thesis on "The nationalism of Nicolae Iorga in the press between 1906 and 1916."

Metal Gear Solid Lighter

Monday, March 7. 18 classroom hours A former Religious Studies Federalism and Nation - Seminar Week

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Islam Wedding Message

History Lesson PHD 3 March 16-18 HOURS

The next lecture of PhD (Prof. Luigi Cajani) on Thursday March 3 from 16 to 18 at the auditorium of the B of Medieval History.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sims 3 Egypt World Adventure Third Relic

Lesson PhD (XXVI cycle), 23 February at the International Student Forum 2011 17-19

The next lecture of PhD will be held Wednesday, February 23 from 17 to 19 hours in the Seminar Room.
Dr. Vagnini speak of "the Italian Risorgimento, the European Renaissance."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There A Cure For Hernia

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dolly Parton's Bare Breasts

Chemtrails: The Science Denied

I here treat the complex phenomenon of chemtrails from the scientific point of view. Compose a phenomenon from the scientific point of view involves two basic stages:

  • identify misrepresentation, false or elaborate on the phenomenon of false beliefs, which are not evidence of the existence of chemtrails.

  • recognize anomalies real scientific evidence of the existence of chemtrails and defined in relation to the scientific literature to be on contrails.


After years of mistakes, studies, and field testing, I can now identify a large number of inconclusive given the existence of chemtrails, widely disseminated on the Internet, radio and television, than you are willing to express moral judgments, but only a trial proceeding. Analyze the different points trying to explain why these assumptions are not conclusive of the existence of chemtrails, if not completely wrong:

1. if we see a plane, it can distinguish the details, it means that the plane is flying at low altitude, then we see if the plane should be a wake chemical releases.
How you see a plane for example 60 meters that is flying at an altitude of 10,000 feet? You see just like a house of 6 meters (about 2 floors) at a distance of 1000 meters (1 km), because the angle occupied by the two objects on the retina, aviation and home to the respective distances, is the same. To simplify, imagine you are in a flat at one point a plane crash 60 meters long, 10 km from your point of view and stick with its nose in the ground in an upright position. You therefore have a right triangle consists of two catheter (length = 60 m and the aircraft ground distance that separates you from the plane = 10,000 m) and dall'ipotenusa joining you in the tail. From measures of this triangle we get the angle between you, the aircraft and the ground (= 60:10.000 tangent of the angle = 0.006 ). Now imagine that a helicopter carrier plunge right on the direction between you and the air of a prefabricated two-storey, 6 meters high, at a distance from you to 1000 m. Again we have a right triangle, and is easy to calculate the angle between you, the roof of the prefabricated and the land that separates you from the prefab has the same value of the previous format by you, the ground and the aircraft (6:1000 = tangent of the angle = 0.006 ). Essentially, the precast occulterà perfectly and completely that the plane is no longer visible, having the same angle of view occupied by prefabricated and retinal plane. A little 'as is total solar eclipse, when the Moon occupies the same retinal angle of the sun, thanks to an amazing game of sizes and distances created by nature. A house of 2 floors 1 km away you can see very well, everyone can check it. The data is now supported unequivocally by the use of radar information. You can distinguish very well even the colors of an aircraft at high altitude.

2. if we hear a plane while going about our vertical, it means that the plane is flying at low altitude, so if the plane that we feel should be a wake chemical releases.
; In view of point 1, using the angle of field of a camera today, thanks to the support of radar information, you are in a position to know the proportion of over-flight of an airplane and then test you same if an aircraft at high altitude can be heard or not. By numerous observations and inspections conducted by me, are concluded that a high-altitude air feels quite well on the vertical, if the noise is moderate to low. Placing attention feels almost always, if it is then a four, it feels really good, despite a moderate background noise. Recently, some have theorized that it may be holograms at low altitudes, but the use of a camera field angle with respect to orographic known references, it seems to leave little space to this theory, at least in reference to the usual daily overflights airway (which release most of the trails that we viewers). For example, in this movie:

out how we can be estimated from the portion of an object transiting our vertical, regardless of its actual size or holographic nature, simply by tracing the dynamic angle with respect to known permanent record. The plane immortalized in that movie, high altitude, he felt good on the vertical. Ex-post evaluation with the site confirmed to me that the plane was traveling in airway, or, like many other planes observed in later, the plane can also be definitely identified as a normal scheduled flight , with its lingering scent.

3. airliners do not release condensation trails, except in very rare cases, when the relative humidity reaches 70% share, then the planes with non-persistent trail we can see with the naked eye are all chemical tankers.
This is a fact easily refuted by both the physical and mathematical point of view, both in terms of empirical verification. In terms of physical-mathematical is estimated that under conditions of very low temperatures, such as those prevailing at high altitudes, steam (which is water in a gaseous state) released by the combustion engine is sufficient, by itself, to saturate the ' air to water, thus forcing the same water to condense into ice crystals . In terms of empirical verification, it is very easy to prove that contrails, not persistent, forming even for very low relative humidity values \u200b\u200bto the appropriate units. Children will remember all the classic short white wake as it stood on the beautiful blue sky. Well, when it exists at high altitudes, 70% relative humidity, the air is largely over-saturated with respect to ice (for example, for temperatures between - 60 ° C - 50 ° C the air contains around 55% -60 % RH, approximately at high altitude it comes to ice saturation for values \u200b\u200bof relative humidity 60% -70%), and this means that water can no longer exist in the form of steam, but is forced to condense into ice crystals, held fast to the normal presence of condensation nuclei in the upper atmosphere (at altitudes average -low, marked by the presence of condensation nuclei, clouds are formed by values \u200b\u200bof relative humidity of 70% -80%, then in a position in relation to water saturation). It follows the inability of the sky at high altitudes appears to clear blueness of relative humidity greater than or equal to 70%, it would instead be completely white, by virtue of the presence of a cirrostratus (wide layer of ice crystals). It follows that:
  • or planes that we saw as children were chemical tankers;
  • or the famous 70% for the formation of contrails is in reality an extrapolation from mathematical physics to refer to the persistent formation of contrails , not of non-persistent contrails.
Without going into the complexity of physical and mathematical calculations, but relying on simple, empirical historical observations, now also supported by mercilessly radar information, we can certainly conclude that the statement reported on websites, radio and television, according to which non-persistent contrails form only for the 70% relative humidity, is incorrect.
Furthermore and finally, the blessed common sense, a trail can not be formed and persist simultaneously for the same value of relative humidity, or 70%, because this would imply the absence of non-persistent contrails! Would all be persistent!

4. today the sky is blue, clear, there are no trails, and yesterday there were trails that have veiled the sky, this is proof that the planes flying and chemicals exist only in certain specific days, otherwise how could we explain that on some days the sky is full of contrails, and then filled with air while on other days the trails or lack there are the planes?
This point is all the more important because it relates to the widespread belief that chemtrails are created by tankers through the release of chemical substances contained in barrels so that the subsequent existence of contrails is independent physical conditions existing in the atmosphere. Many people are convinced that the chemical tankers to "create" the weather at high altitudes, thus artificially create the "harmless glazes. So much so that the meteorologists, In making their predictions about the arrival of cloudiness at high altitude (cirrus ), receive information from the military services about the days when the tankers would operate so as to coincide with the forecasts' chemical activity. Based on this belief, it is assumed that the face of a clear blue day with no wake we tend to attribute this event has special significance to confirm the existence of chemtrails and chemical tankers as it would certainly proven their activities discontinuous, unlike the normal civilian air traffic that it should be continuous and repetitive. If in fact the trails were made by the normal civilian air traffic they should be constantly and not sporadically.
Because these evaluations are not conclusive proof of the existence of chemtrails, and in my opinion completely wrong? Of all the points in particular I personally own in this field. Today with the help of radar information is very easy to see that this belief is absolutely wrong, for the simple reason that the flights are always the same, some day wake a few days without trail. It should be stressed, however, that the radar observation leads us to the heart of the problem. Unlike, some time ago the existence of information radar cross between repeated observations and soundings weather allowed me to go to the heart of the problem, so as to allow a first fundamental definition of the phenomenon chemtrails, until the formulation of a genuine scientific theory. To understand a physical phenomenon in its essence it is necessary to parameterize the extreme values. I have been asked earlier: is there a parameter to the extreme that unites all the clear blue days without trails? And the answer was yes, there! the extreme parameter common to all trails without clear blue days is the absolute lack of water at flight altitudes of aircraft in those days, resulting in very low relative humidity experienced by the soundings at flight altitudes of aircraft in those days. After hundreds of comments never an 'I have found the exception to this rule! Conversely, confirmation of the rule, is a rare observation and documentation of the phenomena evidence the existence of chemtrails, contrails or observation of the rare straight-medium-low, which without exception involved a humid atmosphere of the corridors (of this deal in the second half). So what conclusion can be drawn from the discovery of this strict correlation? Contrails aircraft, chemical or normal they are, consist essentially of water and can not persist if there are sufficient quantities of water in the atmosphere even discrete. In fact, after years and years of observations are supported by radio measurements, I've never been able to ascertain the formation of contrails, high or low altitude, which has involved the corridors of humid atmosphere, where the corridors of atmosphere with low or low humidity are always processed by the trails!
usually move in my argument is this criticism: why the same blue sky, sometimes you see the huge contrails expanding and sometimes of contrails do not see at all? It 'necessary to clarify a point with great precision: water vapor is an invisible gas , water can be seen exclusively when condensation from gas to solid or liquid. So, with the same blue sky, the air can be more or less full of steam with large differences. is for this reason that there are soundings! My observations always refer to objective values \u200b\u200breported by soundings, so when I talk about blue skies with low humidity I refer to the relative visual data supported by objective evidence offered by the soundings . As an additional comfort to the presence of dry air in the atmosphere, apply satellite imagery, which usually show large areas of terse and distant fronts wet or are cloud formations and fog at low altitude. A sky without contrails typically found after an intense downpours, as the moisture is discharged at a height almost to the ground as rain . They seem to be the fact that ice crystals falling determine the formation of liquid droplets of rain, and then ( control the over-saturated regions to control the ice could mean rainfall ). This is a simple observation that anyone can make: a deep blue sky with no trail after a vigorous thundershowers.
5. aircraft emit contrails are not detected dall'airnav radar, which detects only the planes without wake, which is not seen with the naked eye, and all aircraft with the wake, persistent or not persistent, are planes chemical aircraft emit persistent contrails are not detected by website which detects only those with no contrails persistent, then the planes with persistent trail are that the site does not detect chemical tankers.
This point in particular, personally I consider him one of the most incomprehensible in the debate about chemtrails seen from the front of activism, you do not understand it, or do not understand, that despite the overwhelming evidence of the observations, we continue to repeat from someone, these data are incorrect, anyone can trivially deny using radar and web tools available, provided it is able to use them. And 'my personal belief that many people still do not know how to properly use the site, which, beyond a reasonable doubt, the majority of states systematically scheduled wake without you, do not want to wake with persistent , either with persistent trail. Not report a fact to all verifiable: the persistent contrails are issued also and above all from normal air traffic line! The few aircraft that are not detected by site, tankers could hypothetically be illegal, but the odds of this event are so low that they are not at all convincing, given that civil aircraft contrails persistent issue very similar to those issued by non-civil aircraft possibly undetected from the site and especially considering that the site provides, for structural reasons, the type of operation and receipt of radar information, which some civil aircraft may not be detected. In essence, the question that I would turn to friends for activists is that if persistent contrails from the site are not identical to the persistent contrails from the site, depending on which parameter you do not judge the wakes from the site as issued by chemical tankers? Would not it be more intellectually correct hypothesis to release that chemtrails are scheduled flights? But at this point would be necessary to make an effort to reason that I can say has never been taken up at the back by some activists, or try to define what are chemtrails, which is the primary intent of this my writing!

6. today the sky is chemical make faith the iridescence.
This is another critical issue that I care particularly. As I explained above, contrails are formed always in the presence of water in the atmosphere, which can exist in the vapor state ( invisible ), or condense to form ice crystals. The presence of ice crystals leads to a systematic process of refraction of the sunlight that follows specific rules depending on the particular geometry of ice crystals. It forms, therefore, in the presence of ice crystals, a sort of circular rainbow, halo, which falls strictly a22 ° from the solar disk, less frequently to 46 degrees. E 'can verify this by photographing the phenomenon with a camera that you know the angle of view, without exception, the halo will be placed at 22 ° from the solar disk. There is also another phenomenon called corona , that occurs when small droplets of liquid water are located near the solar disk: whenever droplets of liquid water of suitable size are placed near the solar disk, a phenomenon of diffraction is determined by the lovely colors. Although chemtrails may cause iridescence diffractive. part of my investigation for several years, I was able to document only once iridescent diffractive certainly chemical (a phenomenon which will deal with below). My advice is therefore to be exercised to recognize and distinguish these optical-physical phenomena was not attributed to any natural event chemtrails also wonderful that often characterizes our skies. I must emphasize a key point that will be taken up later: on many Internet sites that report the phenomenon of chemtrails, you can find photographs of marks attributed to the passage of air chemical the sky with a halo is typically defined as a chemical sky . We have seen that the halo is a phenomenon attributable solely to the presence of ice crystals. Recent evidence confirms a facilitated formation of ice crystals at high altitude, probably due to the placing of condensation nuclei by air traffic for certain chemicals, certain normal . One definition of heaven in the presence of chemical halo could be justified solely in reference to that evidence, never the direct participation of the chemicals to the formation of the halo, but only and exclusively through indirect facilitation training ice crystals . Moreover, if a cirrostratus was entirely made up of sheer bulk chemistry, the man would probably already extinct.
7. first the sky was clear, then the planes have passed chemical and the sky turned milky at first and then all dark, all chemical.
When a mass of moist air moves in relation to 'other air mass, it first determines a lifting of moisture at high altitude resulting in condensation of water in crystals ice. The formation of cirrus clouds in fact heralds the arrival of a front wet. Gradually, the humidity also reaches the lower and middle layers, and the vapor condenses as liquid water droplets of various sizes, whose formation is both conditioned and determined by the precipitation of ice crystals. The droplets of liquid water are characterized, especially with the increase in size, to absorb much of the light spectrum and reflect the blue , so they tend to appear darker as they grow dimensionally. These optical phenomena have nothing to chemical and occur both in the presence and absence of chemtrails. Then we'll see how chemtrails could emphasize these processes capacitors, facilitating the formation of ice crystals and indirectly that of the droplets of liquid water directly or by forming droplets of liquid water.
8. I noticed that when there are trails do it harder to do the physical demands and accusations often sore throat, headache, due to chemicals released from tankers.
This is an example of a possible misinterpretation. Symptoms attributed to chemicals allegedly released by tankers, in my opinion are much more realistically be attributed strictly to humidity that always accompanies the formation of contrails. The presence of moisture it can determine a sore throat, stress of musculoskeletal pain (headache), and reduced availability of oxygen in the air resulting in easy fatigue, in addition to being a trap for particulate pollutants in the lower atmosphere before upper atmosphere. If really been determined, the damage would be cumulative and devastating chemtrails, rather than trivial sore throat.


analyze point by point the evidence is not given the existence of contrails chemical, revealing no half measures aspects was incorrect due to a better understanding of the issues that are on the contrary, until contradicted expert evidence of the existence of chemtrails. Enumerate all acquisitions observational, testimonial and documentary, which allow me to say now, after several years of investigation, that chemtrails are certainly Despite the official science on a comparison of waste matter. To affirm the existence of chemtrails means defining the elements of difference observed with respect to the scientific literature to be on contrails. As previously shown, to understand the essential nature of a physical phenomenon it is necessary to parameterize the extreme values. I remember from the scientific point of view is sufficient to prove the fault of a single trail to prove the existence of chemtrails. At that point the burden of proof lies with the relevant bodies, to demonstrate the normality of the trails in our skies . Proceed with the illustration of each requirement documents, some for scientific anomaly.

A contrail can persist for temperatures below - 39 ° C, in what might be called the "kingdom of ice crystals" The kingdom of cirrus .
If it is possible to observe a persistent trail at a height which lies below the "kingdom of ice crystals, at a temperature above - 39 ° C, these lines could not be considered a normal contrail, regardless of the parameters pressure and relative humidity of the atmosphere existing in that space.
then proceeds to analyze this document with photographs, acquired by the undersigned, May 6, 2009 at 10: 40 in Italy, the mouth of the river Isonzo:
The same photograph after gentle color balance

The whole evolution of the wake-atmospheric physicist in the photo sequence HD

The same photo sequence of lower definition

These images represent up to denial of experts, a documentary proof of the existence of chemtrails in relation to the parameter to the extreme temperature-altitude . They offer a unique opportunity to formulate a scientific thesis precise nature of chemtrails. Why?

Physical Diagnosis nefologici atmospheric elements in the landscape:

E 'possible to identify clouds at altitudes lower-middle-defined heaps (estimated temperature cumulative level certainly superior to - 30 ° C), consisting of droplets of liquid water, which absorb the full range of light frequencies, reflecting the color blue because they appear dark, almost blackish, because almost extinction full sunlight (note that the sun stands high in the sky, then radiation impact on orthogonal physical trace atmospheric clouds, excluding events related all'angolarità mitigation of impact). At the top of a panoramic look at a white cirrostratus, the undisputed kingdom of ice crystals, where needed to the persistent contrails. It seems intuitive, almost unequivocally, that the trail be expected to lie not in the realm of cirrus clouds above it, on the contrary stands out in its extension within the structure of the mounds. One might object that can not be judged by a two-dimensional picture where the trail lies within or above the mounds. But there is another parameter to the extreme, physical and optical behavior of the wake compared to sunlight, that is conclusive. We continue in the scientific explanation.


In reference to that trail, you must look very closely to your physical and optical behavior, the his training throughout the next evolution in expansion can be observed that the trail does not appear at all in that typical of pure white ice crystals (ice crystals reflect all frequencies of the light spectrum) for which the normal condensation trails should be persistent set up, quite the contrary, appears to behave from the point of view the same way as physical and optical physical-atmospheric trace elements that are overlapping, or droplets of liquid water, which absorb most of the wavelengths of the light spectrum reflected that corresponds to the color blue! The entire photo sequence shows us clearly an evolution of our expansive wake not to the formation of a white-white cirrus Aviatico omniriflettente, but ironically to what I have called cumulus Aviatico, blue dark for the absorption of solar radiation . It follows that, immediately acquiring scientific, that the physical and optical behavior reflects the physical parameters of the wake-atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity to the share of existing mounds, testifying, even assuming a lower freezing point, a portion of formation and persistence of the wake at all corresponding to or slightly higher than heaps, very far from the kingdom of cirrus regions weather over saturated with respect to ice. Two extremes parameters, temperature and optical-physical behavior, which appear to substantiate mutual support, the scientific nature of the abnormal wake immortalized.
Scientists interviewed, have rejected the scientific debate on this document.
personal observation: which aircraft could have issued a wake of that type at that altitude? Certainly not an airliner (the trail was formed in front of my eyes without that I could neither see nor hear the object that produced it).
As explained in the first part, it is very important to note that whatever the odds and atmospheric temperatures existing in the spaces where you can experience the presence of chemtrails, one thing remains constant levels of moderate to high relative humidity, are proved by soundings and the presence of clouds, in particular medium to low quotas. The lower the share of the persistence of chemtrails, so the higher the temperature, the higher the relative humidity. The photographic document shown above is a prime example of "low-level chemical cloud" .


Staying on the theme of shares and anomalous optical phenomena in of chemtrails, I submit another unique photographic document, probative of the existence of chemtrails at low altitudes, providing once again an opportunity to make important considerations and assumptions with regard to the nature of chemtrails:

A physicist of international stature (the only scientist to have received such a request, the subsequent decline) has classified as the clouds landscape:

look a trail in the overview of aircraft apparently looking bright white cross of cloud formations classified as reddish altocumuli. My personal testimony is that the trail is clearly found in the mounds, then setting up the possibility of a trail abnormal chemistry. It could, however, plead that it is not possible to draw two-dimensional picture by a certain about the location of the wake than the clouds. However, we observe more carefully our wake, and the whole panorama that appears. You may notice very precisely the scenario that is roughly characterized by two compartments, the left and right, low and high brightness, respectively, and that in fact the white appearance of the wake-white features more faithfully to its right end only illuminated by the sun, while the left seems to take the same inclinations color, russet, that part of clouds placed in a clear cone of shadow cast by mountains and clouds. The trail is evidently under the piles, because in part within the shaded area. Once again we are facing a double Parametric extremes, altitude, and optical behavior, we return an 'immediate and conclusive scientific evidence on the degree of abnormality in the proportion and nature of the wake: it in fact must be made by the same micro-elements of the physical and atmospheric altocumuli, with the characteristic variable of a slightly lower dimensionality of the water droplets that give the trail itself, in its right end illuminated by the sun, an apparent behavior omni reflective-like ice crystals (white-white color apparently ). Once again I stress that an airliner could never make a wake so low altitudes. And once again emphasize the high levels of relative humidity in the corridor of the formation of the chemical trail is attested by the radiosonde, in this case very accurate time and place, and the presence of cumulus clouds. This trail then, demonstrably, is apparently made up of tiny droplets of liquid water condensed on a core physical-chemical hygroscopic.
You can find the full scientific explanation of the phenomenon observed in this video:


Other comments and documents, do not always show that the two parameters, altitude and behavior physical and optical are consistent. E 'can sometimes see shows like this:

Scie blue inside a white cirrostratus, issued preferably by air line at high altitude. Such a physical phenomenon has a discrepancy with the optical parameters of atmospheric humidity, pressure and temperature at various altitudes, and is a possible scientific explanation in the release of dust abbassareil capable of freezing point of water , condensing the steam portion of liquid water droplets instead of ice crystals. A trail of blue in a cirrostratus is white, up to denial of experts, an abnormal probative of the existence of chemtrails .
A brief mention should be made to the hypothesis of a possible inconsistency between the aircraft flight altitudes and shares persistence of contrails. Applying the angle of the camera to orographic known references, I have found, though not so demonstrably certain (scientific necessity of a second observer), a sporadic share of inconsistency between the passage of a plane positional and subsequent evolution of persistent trail, possibly with condensed precipitation at lower altitudes than that of training, depending on the amount of dust released and values \u200b\u200bof atmospheric relative humidity in the corridors. Without claiming to be scientific evidence, I unknowingly stigmatized this possible discrepancy parameter in this video:

In the movie shows the possible trails to the average, in relation to the methodology experimental field for the estimation of the angle of elevation of an object. The hypothesis that the planes had been able to fly at high altitudes, although the subsequent attachment of the lower trails, born after the publication of the document, based on the following feedback to the site of the future release of the trails in airway. I stress again that this is only hypothesis, also raised by the lack of observations and number of documented civilian overflights at low altitude.


The scientific literature of contrails is unequivocal on one point: the wakes of aircraft persistent atmospheric regions are formed in the over-saturated ice for temperatures below -39 ° C. This fact leads to a rigorous scientific result at the level of physical and optical behavior: a contrail may appear "rainbow-colored" only when strictly and is set at an angular distance of 22 ° or 46 ° from the solar disk. If it is possible to document a persistent trail those outside of these specific references, should be considered as made up of small droplets of liquid water (and certainly abnormal) if the angular distance is less than 22 °, certainly if the chemical angular distance was between 22 ° and 46 ° or higher 46 °. It is therefore necessary, whenever you are faced with a "wake-rainbow", capture the phenomenon with a better camera to zoom out to verify the minimum angular distance of the show to be compared to the solar disk. After years of observation and acquisition of documents, on June 23, 2010 appeared before my eyes a spectacle of iridescence certainly anomalous (up to denial of experts), convincing the existence of chemtrails. Before that I had never documented phenomena of iridescence outside the known references. Persistent contrails made by fighter aircraft took colors particularly "dazzling" at an angular distance estimated by comparison with the solar disc and certainly well above the 46 th. I have provided explanatory illustration in movies below:

The entire sequence of the progressive evolution of color video of contrails:

Although apparently very suggestive of places and times, the phenomenon captured can not be identified with the so-called arc cicumorizzontale since the angular discrepancy is too large. see how they play man-made phenomena on the cutting edge of natural phenomena, and one scientist is easily led to believe to normal scientific explanation. This is very important!

This document was a turning point in my investigation into chemtrails, supporting some hypotheses personal
  • chemtrails clouds are formed by water already present in the atmosphere, condensed on dust released from a process more or less modified combustion: small fighter aircraft have led to persistent contrails striking in terms of physical pollution compared to those issued by large airliners (comparison made within the same day).
  • Trails certainly persistent abnormally low-average shares may be issued by small military aircraft.
  • airliners could be equipped with special combustors and fuels can release hygroscopic powder suitable for the packaging of the high atmospheric regions.
  • the strong presence of dust in chemtrails may cause iridescence complex that can not identify with the ordinary refractive-diffractive colors exhibited by cloud formations on a straight medium-high.


There is a definite" anatomy "of persistent contrails, which however is quite difficult to find scientific equipment historical documentary. Faced with movies like this one:

or this

one can only wonder what might be, if any, normal scientific explanation. Other anatomical features of modern contrails raise serious questions about their normal.
Pending a scientific answer, shows some "anatomical-cirrus-avitatici" are in fact abnormal conclusive evidence of the existence of chemtrails.


As explained above, my scientific investigation leads to two conclusions:
  • certain documentary evidence relating to chemtrails.
  • likely involvement of the military apparatus in the chemical operations.

What about the regular scheduled air services? using the site, you acknowledge that a large part of the persistent trails in our skies are released by airliners. These trails consensus chemical-physical? Or is it normal contrails?
There are some suspicions but no scientific evidence that persistent contrails scheduled to be released by anomalous compared to that in the past. Indirect evidence compared to a hypothetical scenario of intentional dispersion of dust in the high atmosphere there is some recent evidence. A > THIS \u0026lt;link diriment you can buy a scientific article on dust and jets of hygroscopic conditioning, which I recommend you read, which shows a given node: lack of conclusive scientific models to enable us from interpreting the evidence correctly date a reduction of the threshold relative humidity for the formation of cirrus clouds, in reference the normal processes of combustion aircraft engine . hard not to relate the reduction of the threshold of water required for the formation of cirrus clouds at high altitude, with the documentary evidence presented in this discussion!

my treatment, data in hand, it was suggested to explain and demonstrate that chemtrails contrails are indeed physical-chemical, also called "chemical cloud" .
On the other hand scientific articles report that the clouds at high altitude defined cirrus clouds are formed, more recently, for quantities of steam into the atmosphere less than usual.
Two elements that taken together they inspire the idea of \u200b\u200ba gigantic air-conditioning in hygroscopic .
The scientific paper highlights the absence of conclusive studies that correlate certainly the issue of dust emitted from ordinary combustors and fuel for airliners with facilitating the formation of cirrus clouds . Implementing this type of study may need to mean the discovery of the existence of chemtrails? E 'hypothesis! For my part I can only testify the absolute unwillingness of mind of scientists to deal with the matter.
And at this point must be stressed, even at the end of my treatment, the most important problem: a hypothetical independent scientist, expert, who observed the phenomenon of persistent contrails released from normal air traffic line does not detect any abnormality, but to a persistence of contrails for relative humidity values \u200b\u200blower soon. This scientist would certainly be led to believe a normal scientific explanation, not yet investigated, the observed phenomenon, rather than the chemtrail theory as presented, that in his eyes is absolutely unfounded.
The real question we should raise the independent scientist, an expert on contrails, it would be this: what do we hide in the clouds? Or do we hide "those" clouds?


From my personal investigation lasted about 5 years, reveal the existence of up to denial of experts, certain anomalies in the field of scie condensation of the air, but are played on the cutting edge of scientific papers internationally validated. The daily overflights of tankers or civilian aircraft disguised low or very low altitude releasing chemtrails, as well as the frequent and repeated presence of chemtrails in the atmosphere absolutely independent of the physical and climatic conditions do not correspond to the facts verified by me in reference to the places and times of me suspects. I can certainly rule out that these phenomena do not arise or will not occur in other parts of Italy or the world.
About 5 years ago a patient submitted to my attention the phenomenon of chemtrails. After 5 years of study, errors, observations and field testing, I reported today, knowledge and belief, the result of my investigation . This result does not want to be the "regurgitate" to be administered to uncritical minds ready to swallow any nonsense dished up by professorone in the first place, or by the alternator in secundis. On the contrary, is an incentive to test autonomous and critical of any phenomenon is raised before to our attention. I can say with utmost sincerity, in these 5 years I have learned a lot from the debunkers on technical details, as I have learned so much from some activists, whose insight I have to admit to the rear is at times extraordinary. My investigation led me, however, is far from the position of absolute denial of the debunkers, and from that can-too some activists. The conclusions that I have presented are open to criticism that will be welcome, thank you for your attention and patience.


A doctor performed the physics of

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Next lesson, Ph.D. February 16 h 17-19.

students are cautioned that the next lesson of the PhD will be held Wednesday, February 16 from 17 to 19, at ' classroom seminars.

"in modern Europe and Tsarist Russia" will be the topic addressed Professors and Bertolissi Sestan.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New License Plates Ontario Cost

Nature is not democratic!


Pistono Frederick, a spokesman for Italy ZM:
I noticed that among activists and the curious, there is great attention to the concept of "democracy" and how decisions are made. I quote here a post Guerrino Crielesi , the coordinator of the Rome group, which I think will make you think.

The human being is now so accustomed to open his mouth without having the slightest idea what you're talking about, to believe that everything is questionable. How many, many times, discussing a scientific topic, I was answering the classic phrase: "I do not agree, for me it is not so ..."! This type of social interaction has become obsolete. The unsubstantiated opinions do not matter anymore. It is time to begin to raise the level of communication, and to do that we must enrich our " knowledge."
It is thanks to this enrichment is going to change. The man begins to shop around with different eyes, now beginning to be aware of what is really watching. Unfortunately, the revelation was frightening: a social system in decay, corrupt, sick, exploitative and non-human resources, regardless of the wonderful Earth's vast ecosystem, a world on the brink of catastrophe, of which we humans - the smartest animals on the planet (that we know ...) - we will be solely responsible.
I would say that we have not. We can not allow our ignorance to lead us, never mind the pettiness of our incredible potential to ruin not only our own - which would be the lesser evil - but the entire planet! With the knowledge we have learned that we can live with nature, respecting its irremovable laws, peace and prosperity in all of us!
Democracy is a system obsolete. It does not take account of what is objectively best for the good of all. It takes into account only the "opinions" of people, most of whom do not have the knowledge needs to make an objective and scientific opinion on a given problem. And even if the democratic choice would not make sense, since they would all agree on one solution: the scientifically necessary. Here's an example to further clarify the concept. The fateful "Judgement Day" is held a referendum, where everyone is called to vote for the future of humanity. The choices are two:

  1. use every resource on the planet taking care only of human survival to exhaustion, continuing with our current social system stratified and then leave the dying planet looking for other worlds to live as a dominant species in the same way;
  2. raise their level of knowledge in order to make scientifically sound decisions that benefit the entire ecosystem in the Earth, as a dominant species by treating all living species to our own level.
The second choice is definitely the most challenging and difficult considering the current state of societies and organizations, however if people have a sufficiently developed knowledge, there would be no doubt about which route to take. Alas, nowadays things are not so. Today people Seafarers, induced by the system to their personal advantage and always chooses the road less tiring! So what do we do? We allow that humans ruin the entire planet, because the majority of them took a decision dictated by their crazy "Scarz mind"?! Please be joking ...
Also, when a decision is made using the scientific method, not the decision of a few. This is not an order resulting from a small number of people (scientists / engineers) to which the majority (the people) must adapt. This is a finding of facts, objective and scientific. We act in a certain way because the conditions which have occurred at some point require. There are opinions, but of determining the facts. Simply put, we do not build a city razing a forest because most of the people requires it. We must build a city? Well, we'll look at various environments and we will choose the best possible solution less invasive. The solution is the best for this, this and that is why scientific / technical / environmental. If you do not agree should be submitted alternative proposals must be supported by valid reasons of a scientific / technical / environmental, not personal opinions your taste.
In essence, the man must understand that can not ignore the laws of nature, because it is part of it. Nature is not democratic. Nature does not affect the opinion of the majority of people. Because everything runs smoothly its laws must be respected. The man has the ability to study these laws, to understand it and live with them in peace and prosperity, without infringing any! Man has created a world so isolated from all this, the only hearing about it confusing. It is so used to discuss work, money, football and so on and so forth, that his mind is completely blurred. We have the ability to understand who we are, what we do here and where we are going! And in future we will finally find an answer to these questions, increasing our knowledge, interacting with the environment respecting it. In a word: evolving!

Guerrino Crielesi Coordinator ZM Rome group

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Action Replay With Hdloader


9-11 February 2011
12 febbraio2011

Rate Magic Card Decks

last chance for the natural health sector in Europe

Section by: Nexus New Times No. 89

As a result of efforts to harmonize global legislation, governments and transnational companies are putting in place concerted attempts to control consumer access to natural health products. Globally, the regulatory framework is developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission .
In essence, the control system transfers the natural health products from one category to one of food products that require pre-marketing authorization, in which context to authorization schemes used or proposed are very expensive and therefore exclude a large number of products.
All this is presented under the guise of often contradictory "consumer protection" and "free market", creating a situation where almost invariably the great business gets what it wants while our freedom to choose natural health products is drastically reduced.
Europe is about to become the central platform of global harmonization of food law relating to the natural health industry. Much of the legal intended to identify the main problems is already in place, but you should still incorporate the crucial points as the European regulations and directives are in transition. Unless
interests in favor of natural health will not continue to positively influence the process, we end up with massive restrictions on ingredients allowed, the maximum dose and what you can say about any product from healthful properties.
Readers wishing to know more sull'assalto freedom to act on health in their region are encouraged to stay informed, then join and support organizations active and effective as the one below.
(Alliance for Natural Health Int [Europe], )
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You can also subscribe to sign this petition EU:

Monday, February 7, 2011

See Pubes Through Underwear

IV Lesson doctorate in European History "

Wednesday, February 9 from 17 to 19 classroom seminars will be held the fourth Lesson of the sixteenth round of the doctorate in European History.
Dr. Daniel Pommier analyze U.S. foreign policy of isolationism in the First World War.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Victoria Beckham In Blouses

Greenpeace challenge Facebook: steps to renewable

Article Manolo De Agostini taken from http: / /

The environmental organization Greenpeace Facebook challenge to switch from coal to one based entirely on renewable sources to power their datacenter. All this by 2021.

Facebook steps to renewable energy. Greenpeace, after point the finger at the cloud computing in general ( Cloud computing polluter, the alarm Greenpeace ) rails against the world's most popular social network.

Facebook made yesterday 7 years and has more than 500 million users who spend over 700 billion minutes per month to play, look up information, talk in chat. According to Greenpeace, these and other activities "require more energy, every birthday that passes," and suggests to feed the huge data centers with renewable energy, in order to reduce the environmental impact .

The environmental organization has launched an initiative called " Facebook: Unfriend coal", in which calls for marry to all its appeal, which is the company to ask for Mark Zuckerberg 's efforts on the following: increased use of clean energy from coal to make Facebook an independent, develop a plan that by 2021 ports to Facebook use only renewable energy, educate their users about how Facebook offers its services and keep them updated Environmental Footprint, a promoter for the use of clean energy locally, nationally and internationally. It calls on the social network to give signs of life on environmental by April 22, Earth Day.

According to Greenpeace, Facebook uses the energy of 19 power stations to coal , A power technology of the nineteenth century stride for a service which, with its innovations, to become the vanguard of the twenty-first century.

Urge then decided a change , also to give a signal to other companies in the IT industry, more and more centralization of activities and have huge data centers that, thanks to the non-stop, have high costs and environmental impact. Suffice it to say that the electricity produced and consumed for "Internet" is at a level that if it were a country, would be in fifth position for energy consumption.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Vba Cheats Shiney Gold Pokemon

LUXURY ...... TOO?

.... STILL WORKS in the clearing, all of you'll notice that the central bed 'WAS embellished AND RICH WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A FRAME IN OLD Sanpietrini ROMANS:




Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Goldfish Has Gravel Stuck In Its Mouth

mobility programs for international students and students of Wisdom

will be held Monday, February 7 from 9:00 am to 13:30 NI Assembly Hall, an information day - for students and doctoral students of Wisdom - for the various projects of international mobility.