Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Nature is not democratic!


Pistono Frederick, a spokesman for Italy ZM:
I noticed that among activists and the curious, there is great attention to the concept of "democracy" and how decisions are made. I quote here a post Guerrino Crielesi , the coordinator of the Rome group, which I think will make you think.

The human being is now so accustomed to open his mouth without having the slightest idea what you're talking about, to believe that everything is questionable. How many, many times, discussing a scientific topic, I was answering the classic phrase: "I do not agree, for me it is not so ..."! This type of social interaction has become obsolete. The unsubstantiated opinions do not matter anymore. It is time to begin to raise the level of communication, and to do that we must enrich our " knowledge."
It is thanks to this enrichment is going to change. The man begins to shop around with different eyes, now beginning to be aware of what is really watching. Unfortunately, the revelation was frightening: a social system in decay, corrupt, sick, exploitative and non-human resources, regardless of the wonderful Earth's vast ecosystem, a world on the brink of catastrophe, of which we humans - the smartest animals on the planet (that we know ...) - we will be solely responsible.
I would say that we have not. We can not allow our ignorance to lead us, never mind the pettiness of our incredible potential to ruin not only our own - which would be the lesser evil - but the entire planet! With the knowledge we have learned that we can live with nature, respecting its irremovable laws, peace and prosperity in all of us!
Democracy is a system obsolete. It does not take account of what is objectively best for the good of all. It takes into account only the "opinions" of people, most of whom do not have the knowledge needs to make an objective and scientific opinion on a given problem. And even if the democratic choice would not make sense, since they would all agree on one solution: the scientifically necessary. Here's an example to further clarify the concept. The fateful "Judgement Day" is held a referendum, where everyone is called to vote for the future of humanity. The choices are two:

  1. use every resource on the planet taking care only of human survival to exhaustion, continuing with our current social system stratified and then leave the dying planet looking for other worlds to live as a dominant species in the same way;
  2. raise their level of knowledge in order to make scientifically sound decisions that benefit the entire ecosystem in the Earth, as a dominant species by treating all living species to our own level.
The second choice is definitely the most challenging and difficult considering the current state of societies and organizations, however if people have a sufficiently developed knowledge, there would be no doubt about which route to take. Alas, nowadays things are not so. Today people Seafarers, induced by the system to their personal advantage and always chooses the road less tiring! So what do we do? We allow that humans ruin the entire planet, because the majority of them took a decision dictated by their crazy "Scarz mind"?! Please be joking ...
Also, when a decision is made using the scientific method, not the decision of a few. This is not an order resulting from a small number of people (scientists / engineers) to which the majority (the people) must adapt. This is a finding of facts, objective and scientific. We act in a certain way because the conditions which have occurred at some point require. There are opinions, but of determining the facts. Simply put, we do not build a city razing a forest because most of the people requires it. We must build a city? Well, we'll look at various environments and we will choose the best possible solution less invasive. The solution is the best for this, this and that is why scientific / technical / environmental. If you do not agree should be submitted alternative proposals must be supported by valid reasons of a scientific / technical / environmental, not personal opinions your taste.
In essence, the man must understand that can not ignore the laws of nature, because it is part of it. Nature is not democratic. Nature does not affect the opinion of the majority of people. Because everything runs smoothly its laws must be respected. The man has the ability to study these laws, to understand it and live with them in peace and prosperity, without infringing any! Man has created a world so isolated from all this, the only hearing about it confusing. It is so used to discuss work, money, football and so on and so forth, that his mind is completely blurred. We have the ability to understand who we are, what we do here and where we are going! And in future we will finally find an answer to these questions, increasing our knowledge, interacting with the environment respecting it. In a word: evolving!

Guerrino Crielesi Coordinator ZM Rome group


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