Monday, February 28, 2011

Online Question Genie

Ceremony Chartered titles XXIII Cycle Research, PhD in "History of Europe"

It is held today, February 28, 2011 , the transfer of the securities of PhD XXIII cycle of the PhD in "History of Europe '.
The ceremony was held at the premises of the Department of Culture History, Religion, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy.
The jury composed of professors Roberto Sinigaglia, and by Professor Marco Gervasoni Elena Dundovich examined the following doctors:

- Badal Paul , thesis on "the Italian secret services during the civil war in Spain 1936 - 39.
- Bumbaca Maria Pia , thesis on "The spirit and ideas. The organization of Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations."
- Cerasani Francis, thesis on "The French Détente between 1965 and 1969. The personal diplomacy of Charles de Gaulle as an instrument of detente with Moscow and the countries of Central - Eastern Europe."
- Lenzi Francesca Romana , thesis on "Strategies and instruments of foreign policy: the Italian military missions abroad in peacetime."
- Massimiliano Marzilli, thesis on "A special kind of opposition. PCI and center - left, 1960 - 1968.
- Andrea Porcaro, thesis on "The nationalism of Nicolae Iorga in the press between 1906 and 1916."


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