Monday, April 7, 2008

Aftershave Packaging Description


eccocci And in April. I'll be back, and then, after less than a month with a new version of Cornelius Nepos focused on the wars between Greeks and Persians. Here is the translation. The Persians attack Greece On the other hand Darius, after he returned from Europe to Asia, was urged the councilors to bring Greece under (to) its aurotriĆ : Dario therefore prepared a fleet of five ships and started to head Dates and Artaphrenes and gave them two hundred soldiers, (and) ten thousand horsemen, under the pretext of being aduce an enemy to the Athenians, because (he said) Ions with their help had conquered Sardis, and (as) had killed his guards. Those commanders gifts, turn the fleet to Euboea, Eretria quickly captured and sent to Asia by king all citizens abducted from their city. From there they came to Attica, and led troops in the plain of Marathon. This is (is) about ten thousand steps away from the city. The Athenians, shocked by this attack so close and so great as a messenger sent to Sparta Philip, for help. At home instead of ten military commanders who were appointed to head the army, where (in which the judiciary) elected Miltiades.
[by Cornelius Nepos]

Hello everyone. At the next post!


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