Saturday, October 4, 2008

How Do I Delete Songs Off My Sd Card

Version: The miser does not use his treasure

From now on, I decided to delete my comments trivial and out of place in early versions by only a brief summary of the text that will follow, and stating, where possible, the author. These days do not have much time to post and I do not think I'll be in the weeks that follow: so my contribution will not be many. That said, the public version. Summary: version is about two people, one rich and one poor. When it goes to apply for a loan other protagonist, receives a negative response ...
The miser does not use his treasure A poor but honest man ran into the hole by a friend
( occurro governs the dative) who had the great riches. Driven by necessity, (man)
approached him and humbly asked to borrow some money
(read: money borrowed some churches) . The rich refused with great confidence, he returned home, he dug a ditch on his farm, and hid all his wealth, which, when dug, review daily. But once a thief saw all (read: what the rich = digging for treasure to look at)
night and stole all their wealth
(read: everything) . When the day came after the failure (read: was)
the pit, took out the land but did not find his treasure. Then he began to cry
(read: putting out a lot of tears) . That poor man, who had denied the money and saw him, (he's rich) told him the misfortune (read: lost) . To which the (answered) : "Why do you torment? Happiness that you had the money? Who helped? Put a stone in the place where he had hidden the treasure. For what concerns you, will be the same and no one will steal (steal the stone refers to the express version with pencil lapidis male gender the entire page. To this, however, there is a remedy: If you have a scanner and Softi Free OCR the problem is solved. This software (free ) is able to transform the scanned document (image format, that is. jpg or other) in a word file (. doc) and
txt). The program is "Freeware
" and free. Use
Tesseract engine v2.03
issued by Google . In terms of graph is very simple: it has three buttons (for scanning documents open / image / OCR) and OCR simply press (after a scanned page) that the image is transformed into text. So far, nothing special will say there are other free software capable of doing everything. But there Anything 'other: among all the programs I have installed this is the ' one can also analyze documents in Italian ! It is enough to visit the site of Tesseract engine and from there download the file Tesseract-2.00.ita.tar.gz . Unpacked it is necessary to go to "C: \\ Program Files \\
FreeOCR 24 \\ tesseract \\ tessdata " and paste the files in the unzipped earlier. Undertaken a Softi Free OCR can be selected, in addition to English, including Italian. One suggestion is to scan images at a resolution above 200 dpi (I do it at 300 dpi and the results are very good). In addition, to avoid deleting garbled, you can select by holding down the left mouse button only the necessary parts, eliminating the edges that are results from the scan. To download the software just visit the official website (in English). Check it out!


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