yes, we can
Imagine a world without borders, where everyone grows in their own communities, speak their own language, living according to their customs, believes in god .... but without any border.
All this does not mean peace, love and brotherhood .... this would be a utopia! It means that the rules of coexistence, grants assistance, the laws of the market .... all under a single director .... a single government that has effective decision-making power on major humanitarian issues, such as world hunger, drought, pollution, global ..... problems, resources, solutions .... and no one is prevented from living according to their roots of origin .... This is the world I want ..... and are certainly not alone.
But do not stop to share these simple words ... we must go further, we must build something that does not exist today .... but we know exactly the future course for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren .... If you expect others to do so then, like a flock of lost sheep, join .... then we are complicit in the degradation in which we live, because nobody has the courage to start work so important ... alone.
To begin, it is enough to share, sharing of ideas out specific projects, the projects will see the works, the works will come to the principle set forth in this short write: ONE WORLD, ONE NATION.
Put your heart at rest, we will not enjoy this, but we have the privilege of being the first to believe it .... believe this point to convince future generations to continue and even future ones to complete the work, all for a better world.
December 11, 2008
Dario Montanari
If you think like me ... Do not delay, write me!
yes, we can
(google translated)
Imagine a world without borders, where, everyone grows in Their own communities, speak Their own language, living according To His morals, Believes his god .... but without any border state.
All this does not mean peace, love and brotherhood .... This would be a utopia! It means that the rules of coexistence, grants assistance, the laws of the market .... all under a single director .... a single government that has real decision-making power on major humanitarian issues such as world hunger, drought, pollution overall ..... problems, resources, solutions .... and nobody is prevented from living according to their roots of origin .... This is the world I want ..... and are certainly not the only one.
But do not stop to share these simple words ... we must go further, we must build something that does not exist today .... but we know exactly be the future course for our children, grandchildren and grandchildren .... If you expect others to do then, like a flock of sheep lost, aggregates .... then we are accomplices of deprivation in which we live, because nobody will have the courage to begin a work so important ... alone.
To begin, it is enough to share, sharing of ideas arise projects, the projects will see the works, the works will come to the principle set out in this brief writing: ONE WORLD, ONE NATION.
Put your heart in peace, we will not be us to enjoy this, but we have the privilege of being the first to believe .... believe to this point to convince future generations to continue and the future of even more to complete the work, all this for a better world.
11 December 2008
Dario Montanari
If you think like me ... not linger, write me!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
10-15 Slide Describing The Evolution Of Business
opinion poll on nuclear power and about
a few weeks, I opened a poll on "Reintroduction of nuclear energy in Italy" , a subject quite in vogue at the beginning of last summer. The results of the survey (above the graph) with the question: 'E' right to reintroduce nuclear energy in Italy " were 7 (33%) for SI, 13 (61%) for NO and 1 ( 4%) with DO NOT KNOW . In September I wrote a text about this topic, where I support my own argument and try to justify it through the topics. It is therefore a text argument with the thesis: "No to nuclear power." You can read below.
Reintroduction of nuclear energy in Italy: big mistake
The statements of the minister are wrong Scajola
In the current decade are occurring at different crises' world economy, due to many reasons, but one that is heard is the nearest energy crisis. The cause of the latter is, in my opinion, the rise in oil prices as a result of Higher demand: the black gold is, in fact, increased about one hundred dollars per barrel in less than four years, rising from forty-five U.S. dollars to one hundred forty-five August 2004 to July 2008. So the question naturally arises: "What will we do if the cost of crude rise again?". What's more, this event also led to skyrocketing prices of electricity and gas, and in Italy, where the electricity bill is 30% more expensive than the average of other European countries, the rise was even more evident than in the rest of the EU.
The current government has probably discussed these issues before the Minister for Economic Development Claudio Scajola, speaking to the assembly of Confindustria in May 2008, said the only solution to the current difficulties is a return to nuclear , not considered appropriate in 1987 by about 71% of Italians . According to the newspaper "La Repubblica", the minister also said that the atom is the only way to produce electricity " safely and environmentally 'and that through it you can make the bill" compatible compared to other European countries. " The construction of power plants should start, at least theoretically, within the current legislature. Among the enthusiasts of the idea are the two companies, which supply electricity " Enel " and " Edison", both expressed their ready to cooperate with the government for this project.
However, as you might suppose, there were the dissenting opinions (of Legambiente, WWF), which I fully share. I am indeed surprised by the statements of Minister Scajola and I think that the reintroduction of nuclear power in Italy would be a grave error for a number of reasons that can not be ignored.
First, the energy crisis is not just about electricity that Italy imports only to 12.8% from abroad, but also and especially applies to fuel and heat for heating. Since nuclear power plants produce only electricity, which represents only 15% of consumption , is now evident the futility of re-introduction of the atom, because the remaining 85% (fuel and heat above) would still be in difficulties.
Admitting to close an eye on this weak point, it becomes clear, however, realize that to make nuclear generation a significant energy source, eliminating the import of foreign, is necessary to build at least ten plants: the cost of these would vary according to Legambiente, between thirty and fifty billion € , largely Highways. The second reason to say "No" to nuclear power is, therefore, its high price : this must be added that, by requiring the atom exorbitant funding in OECD countries from 1992 to 2005 58% of funds for research have been devoted to the latter, while the remaining 11% went to renewable energy. In the event that it approved the reintroduction of this source is expensive, the others would slow down its growth to the lack of investment.
Since such high costs, it is unlikely that the bill is lighter, in fact, could also be that the electricity price is increased to meet the costs.
Pollution is a serious problem, so that EU states have pledged to reduce by 30% CO 2 2020: but nuclear power is, indirectly, due to emissions because, for safety reasons, require materials for their production, are in need of coal and oil. With nuclear power goals set by the European Union (20% of energy production from renewable sources) would never be achieved.
Some sources say that the wells petroleum supply the humanity for about forty years, so it is necessary to find other energy resources and stop counting black gold. The same applies to the nuclear uranium resources are not infinite, enough for a few decades ! Italy also has no mines of atomic fuel and the should matter, just as they do now with electricity.
The construction of power plants take a long, long time : starting to build in this term, would come into operation as early as 2020, ie more than ten years between . This source should not even in terms of time. And then there
the problem of space for the building . It 'was not found a suitable place to reprocess the nuclear waste of the first nuclear energy, which, in fact, have been transported to France: it will be equally impossible to find land to build new power plants.
spaces used for the production of atomic energy are no longer reusable at the end of the life cycle of plants, as is the case with those where wind turbines are installed. During normal operation of power plants there may be minor emissions of radioactive material which, for example, could be harmful for agriculture there.
do not agree with the reintroduction of nuclear power in Italy because this energy source to produce electricity, need large quantities of water : water, in fact, that occurs after the fission of radioactive material, is heated and the steam starts to move a turbine that creates, of course, electricity. The problem is that the rainfall on the peninsula are 100mm/anno while the average rainfall in Europe is six times more 650mm/anno. Needless to say, there is sometimes a risk water. And if France, which has more water resources, had to slow down several times its industry Atomic, what would be the solution in Italy? It seems obvious: the positioning of the central near the lakes or coastal , with negative consequences for tourism. Nuclear power would certainly be too!
nuclear plants produce waste and are not environmentally friendly as stated by the Minister Scajola . The problem of nuclear waste is still alive: they remain active for over 500 generations. In addition, the cost of decommissioning at the end of the life cycle and the final management of waste are not known . With the nuclear
Italy will continue to depend abroad, mainly from France, regarding the importation and the cycle of the fuel.
say no to nuclear power in Italy because is not a safe source of energy : has links with the arms industry , which produces nuclear weapons using plutonium extracted from waste materials. They are also not completely excluded possible accidents, such as the infamous Chernobyl, and others of lesser severity. They can also be terrorist attacks should not be underestimated, which, if damaged a central, could endanger the lives of many people.
power plants, as already mentioned, when in operation can emit small amounts of radiation that could contaminate the population living in localities near the central or officials of the plant.
The study continues Atomic Energy. E 'in development a generation IV reactor that probably will ensure greater safety of nuclear power, will reduce the production of waste and will be ready in 2030 to 2040. The decision taken by Minister Scajola thus implies a investment in outdated technology !
The last reason why I disagree with the government's decision is the existence routes safer, cheaper, faster and cleaner through which you can fight the energy crisis: I'm talking about renewables, particularly wind energy and solar . In these types need to invest! I'm not saying to abandon the financing of nuclear power, but for this you need to develop what is cheaper and safer for the population. I'm not saying even reach 23% of national demand by means of wind energy as did Denmark, but you might get groped by the same objective using a great resource: the sun , that in a year send to Earth a amount of energy equal to 10,000 times the global demand . In this way one could achieve the aim by the EU: the 20% of energy production from renewable sources by 2020 , given that Italy is already at 13.4%. Along this road you could definitely say goodbye nuclear energy, as has already been done in 1987 and how she's doing now that Germany has pledged to close the last plant in 2020.
We can therefore say that the nuclear represents the past and deny that the decisions taken two decades ago would only be a serious mistake, that can worsen the energy situation current.
I want to make a clarification on the text. The decision to take the argument as "No to nuclear" is not connected to my political beliefs. What is written above is only my opinion on the issue of atomic energy. I was amazed at the fact 7 IT Survey. So I asked a question on Answers asking Yahoo! favorable opinions of this energy source, here's the question and answers: Question
: Hello everyone. In the summer I wrote an argumentative text on the "No to nuclear" and now I want to put it in a post on my blog. For, although it is an argumentative text that explicitly states one of my idea, I still want to evaluate the positive side of nuclear power, could you tell me your personal opinions regarding this source? Only the positive opinions, not negative ones? Then take them and insert them in the form of citation. If you want to ask something because you also add the details replying. Thanks.
Answer 1: you could insert the text: D .. cmq io sn so sorry for the no nn be of help:)
Answer 2: IS THE NUCLEAR SO THAT brings us a little money
Answer 3: no to nuclear.
Answer 4: I would say why not nuclear??! first of all for those who do not know even in Italy we use electricity generated by nuclear power! ... In fact part of Italy buys energy from France and France mainly produces energy from nuclear power plants. Some people say no to nuclear power because an accident would happen if invaded by the radiation, it is ok but there are nuclear plants in France and then there would be an accident if it happened in the same way a threat to us. However, we are saying that the dangers are now in power do not exist, now using reactors are much safer than Chernobyl and Chernobyl, however, that is an argument in part because if they went to look for as they have moved beyond those reactors their scope and were manned by incompetent staff! The main problem of radioactive waste and nuclear power are therefore necessary to seek suitable places for storage. However, we are developing plants that work with other heavy metals such as strontium very limited amount of waste they produce. So ... for me, nuclear is the future! Regards
Answer 5: Absolutely ... leads and gain at least stop using more oil, which is ending in brackets, with regard to the waste solution will
The answers do not But I was very pleased, as most of the claims (eg leads gain) are denied attreverso data of my text. A prorposito data: not me they are fictional, though some thought he might. I visited the sites of the WWF / Legambiente / Greenpeace and others to form a Dossier. The following result links for most of my sources.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Household Items For Lube
We experience the power of intention
The mind can 'influence on reality, is a fact , this blog is a link between people who want to tune to achieve a successful conclusion of the experiment these powers.
For the moment you open a discussion on how to coordinate.
How To Masterbate With A Vinal Glove
The scientific evidence of the existence of so-called "paranormal"
"Six years ago I tried to check (its maintenance) these statistics reported in other studies (considered reliable and colleagues) with an experiment based on test 'classics' of telepathy and clairvoyance, having more opportunities to use a group of persons who, for the special training received, hopefully it was above normal but still far from the 'professionalism' (with the dangers). The results of the experiment itself were highly significant for me even more significant in an unexpected way: in fact an account of the experiment (later published in a U. Grazia, Technical Union, Ed Mediterranee, Roma, 1990, 147-179), circulated among friends and colleagues and sent to CICAP did me a sequence of red-hot controversy and debate, forcing me to switch from a commitment and interest 'amateur', as it was in my field 'paranormal' till then, in further study and a more 'professional'. And so, to my surprise, I discovered that (...) the existence of ESP and PK phenomena has been experimentally proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
To understand what kind of scientific experiments can be shown without a doubt the influence of mind over physical reality, telepathic communication, precognition, you must have at least an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the statistics, but to understand what scientific theories could justify them, familiarize yourself with some elements of quantum physics, be aware of the latest discoveries of biology and genetics, and we must also keep an open mind to the latest speculation in the field of theoretical physics.
The statistic shows that if I try to make 4 draws random numbers between 0 and 1 have a chance of gaining 3 times 0 and 1 once. This would lead to a result 75% to 25% 0contro 1, just a manual for a fifth high school to check with the rules of combinatorics that the probability of obtaining such a result in 4 successive extractions is 0.25. This means that on 4 series of extractions of 4 numbers are expected to obtain a series with these results. The probability of getting 2 times 2 times 0 and 1 (50% of extractions for each of the numbers) is instead equal to 0.375. The likelihood of achieving a 75% 0 in the sweepstakes is just one and half times less than that to get the 50% and 50% 0 of 1.
Similarly one can verify (it's a bit 'longer and more boring, but the type of calculation is always the same) and on a series of 100, 200 or 1000 extraction is very difficult to get 52%, 53% , or 54% of either outcome: if the number of extractions is very high it is almost impossible that the percentage of 1's and 0's differs from 50% to more than one decimal place.
Which brings us to the point: they were made thousands of experiments in which he asked the to influence people with his mind the random number generators so that they gave more than 1 0 or more than normal. Number generators were tested previously and was checked for perfect functionality: in the absence of external influences always produce 50% of 0 and 50% of 1, but in the presence of people who strive with their intention to alter results in a way that we can achieve just 52%, 53% or 54% of one of the two numbers. The probability that if you continually get these results is the product of the (already low) probability that in a single experiment there is such a deviation from 50% the result of cumulative of all experiments in this regard shows that the probability of obtaining those results by chance is around 10 to the minus 50, or is expressed by a number with 49 zeros after the decimal point: 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 to speak.
Many such experiments have been conducted in the prestigious Princeton University in the project PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research ) and some of these results were published in prestigious journals in physics, see For example, Radin DI, Nelson R., Evidence for Consciouness-Related Effects in Random Physical Systems, Foundations of Physics, 1989, 19, 1499-1514.
A committee of the U.S. Congress in 1995 has asked the experts to carry out a check for the usefulness of government funding to research on the paranormal (some of which performed at the prestigious Stanford Research Institute). Both experts have declared that there is a strong statistical evidence that proves the existence of certain phenomena, in particular Jessica Utts argues that: using the judging criteria normally used in any other field of science is absolutely proven the existence of powers mentally since the results have proven reproducible in well-designed experiments (The report can be viewed at ~ Utts / ).
What, then, certain pseudo-scientific organizations that say they investigate the paranormal with more or less declared purpose of denying their existence? We still believe that they are in good faith, after discovering that there are many strictly controlled scientific experiments that prove the reality of the so-called paranormal, and even our everyday experiences prove the existence of extrasensory perception? Suffice it to say that such experiments have been validated for example by the Nobel Prize for physics and Brian Josephson CICAP members and similar organizations (such as CSICOP) not knowing better than to say that Josephson is a Nobel Prize revoked. " Not being able to challenge the reality they try to discredit those who tell it like it is.
It is no coincidence then that the CICAP is committed directly to "prove" that chemtrails do not exist. Organisation for nothing when trusted CICAP pontificates of the inexistence of the paranormal, or when dealing with phenomena for which the organization was founded, how you want to be trusted when it denies chemtrails, especially the mouths of people admitting verbatim "I am not a physicist, not a meteorologist, not an expert aeronautical, not a chemist and then write papers on" scientific "as Focus ?. But the amount of data on the existence of paranormal phenomena is not limited to those mentioned above and in truth I could list them all without writing an encyclopedia. Those who wish to learn can read for example the following three books, the last of which also tries to give some guidance to allow us to better use (and with positive purpose) our mental powers: The extended mind R Sheldrake (and Urra) The zero-point field Lynne McTaggart, Science intention by Lynne McTaggart.
A typical experiment on extrasensory perception is the one made Mikio Yamamoto and his colleagues at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Chiba, Japan. They have done a search on the tao-ate, martial technique to attack your opponent without physical contact. In the experiment the attacker, a Chinese qigong master, and the receiver were placed on three floors away in a room screens. The behavior of the recipient (the person is "under attack") was monitored by shooting video, as well as her skin resistance and its electro-encephalogram (EEG). Obeying the instructions of the investigators who followed a randomized double-blind procedure, the striker sent his "energy attacks" and very often the receiver at that instant is depicted (demonstrated by visual observation times) and showed EEG abnormalities and the resistance of the skin. Statistical analysis of correlations observed ruled out the possibility that this happened by chance and it was concluded that the tao-ate involves a form of transmission that is not currently explained by science (but not least is real). According to the master "attacker" what is transmitted is the energy that traditionally the Orientals call qi (or ki or chi, according to the transcripts). Ref: M. Yamamoto et al (2000) Study on analyzing methods of human body functions using simultaneous Various Measurements, Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 18, 61-97.
Among the many experiments they describe a very interesting experiment has shown that all people possess an unconscious precognitive abilities, which can literally present things not yet happened. The experiment was designed in the mid-90s of the 20th century by Dean Radin and his colleagues at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. In this experiment a computer using a function randomly selects a causal images that appear at regular intervals to a person while the electro-dermal sensors can measure the resistance of the skin (finger). With the variation of the emotional state it varies sweat gland activity and skin resistance changes measured by the sensor. These sensors are connected to a computer and allow you to perform continuous monitoring and to plot emotional response as a function of time. The images you see are the subjects of the experiment on the screen for 3 seconds, then there is a 5 second pause when the screen is blank and then restarts with the next image.
The images are chosen at random from a large archive that contains an equal number
However, it is seen that the first images of type (quiet) do not cause any change in resistance measured by the sensors (the resistance-time curve in the graph is almost flat) while the images of type b (violent) and especially those of type c (sexual) cause a surge of resistance.
The amazing thing is that the signal Answer (a surge of strength-time curve in the graph) to photographs of type b and c was recorded mostly in advance of 3 seconds on the vision of the photo.
Dirk Bierman, professor of psychology in Amsterdam this type of experiment independently replicated and verified that the effect is more apparent with erotic images. The biologist Rupert Sheldrake who was one of the subjects who underwent the experiment, said the result: "The sudden increase of my electro-dermal activity started 5 seconds before the erotic images on the screen."
Further details on these experiments can be understood reading the book Dean Radin The Conscious Universe, Harper Edge, San Francisco 1977.
short, as it may seem incredible, we have science experiments that allow us to hypothesize that the foresight (and perhaps the prophecy) are possible, that our minds can look forward in time. Thus we are led to reconsider our idea of \u200b\u200btime (at least that which has been borrowed from a science very dogmatic). Of course, this and other experiments raise numerous questions of a psychological, scientific and philosophical. Mind the purpose of which was directed with precision could know the past as the future? The future is now written? There is a destiny? The future is outlined with accuracy or are only outlined the guidelines? If we advocate the future, then things will happen: we read the book of fate as it will be a book or read about what should be the most likely destination? Cognition (at least for sums lines) can be used to influence the future or the fate equally true despite our attempts to change it? [ do not ask me precise answers, the I'm still trying, even if from my studies in the field seems to be able to deduce that fate is not entirely defined ]
I know, I could turn my head in trying to answer these questions, and all too easy to try to regain emotional security, saying "no, not true, they are all lies." But the beauty is not only that the experiments were replicated, but we all have opportunity to realize how we can sometimes predict the future without any computerized device. Suffice it to analyze our dreams just wake up every morning writing their description in a journal and then see how many times these dreams conceal premonitions. Personally, I happened to find several times in dreams premonitions realizzatesi so too accurate. Maybe there are not realized yet because you have been heavily indoctrinated brainwashed by the media, the "orthodox science," but only if you open your mind to the possibility of precognition can begin to notice coincidences that can not be random. If you'd like to know what experiments of science would believe "such nonsense" you can find them in the books already mentioned. But it would be appropriate to remind skeptics that ton of dollars spent by the CIA to develop strategies for distance vision and foresight (Stargate project) in collaboration with the physical aspects. But of course the CIA did these things only to lose time and money ...
It has happened to many, many people to experience severe feelings of pain even in the absence of any obvious cause for the pain itself, and, moreover, paralleled by an identical pain (do not say the same but just the same) tried by another person with whom one is closely related (brother, mother, father , son, friend). Typical are cases of twins, one of which an accident occurs while the other, miles away and unaware of the accident of his brother, at the same time feels the same pain in the same body part that is offended by the incident .
At this point it should be noted that, apart from some pain between the ribs, some pangs in the stomach, cramps and similar things, there are no cases of pain that are received no apparent cause, and therefore the likelihood that a person receives some pain is not low, but it is exactly zero. And this is important, because even if the probability was of 0.001 percent, very low probability that multiplying the number of years lived by a person and, above all, the number of inhabitants of our planet, we would get the absolute certainty that the first or later, certain phenomena may occur for a pure coincidence casuale.Ma think of a person who feels a pain in the knee as if he had hit, and he feels such pain while sitting or lying on the bed (which did not then hit anywhere ) is a pain due to intercostal physiological causes, but is a pain inexplicable from the standpoint of orthodox medicine and biology. If it turns out that at the same time another person connected to it (for friendship or relationship) has taken a knock to the knee, the coincidence is that it can not be explained by any random phenomenon (the case you can not bring up , pace of the leaders of CICAP and similar organizations ) while logic dictates that the phenomenon can be explained by a phenomenon of causality (the knock to the knee to the person X is a cause of knee pain of the person Y ) and then considering the reality of synchronicity, the instant sharing of emotions and sensations.
Think back to the facts of your life then you will probably find examples of similar situations in terms of pure coincidence unexplained reason, ask your friends and relatives if they have experienced similar situations, but also ask the twins you know how many times they are similar incidents which occurred sincronicitĆ .Personalmente as a teacher I had to do with so many people that I was difficult to collect several examples of such events primarily related to twins and in particular myself over me I experienced the same situation. Once, I did sleep in my house a person with a strong knee pain, and I also I felt that night the same pain, even failing to hit anywhere. The only explanation I could give is that the sensations of pain so strong that the person guests were transposed telepathically from my mind was that fit in with her.
Everyone has the possibility to examine only the powers such as ESP, telepathy, synchronicity of the non-random events are observable all around us: just open your eyes and look at reality without the prejudices that the information regime has instilled in our minds. And I assure you most believe in the possibility that such phenomena occur, most will experience them. What
So say for certain pseudo-scientific organizations that say they investigate the paranormal with more or less declared purpose of denying their existence? We still believe that they are in good faith, after discovering that there are many strictly controlled scientific experiments that prove the reality of the so-called paranormal, and even our everyday experiences prove the existence of ESP and how is it that these organizations are concerned both to deny the existence of UFOs (which in itself is not necessarily alien aircraft, but aircraft not identified), 's existence of the paranormal, the existence of civilization antediluvian the chemtrails , continuing to deny, deny, deny, until borders on the ridiculous? Perhaps because all these things are all too real, but too uncomfortable for the apparatus of power? (Except for UFOs and aliens that recently have been "rehabilitated" by the power with the publication of a number of "X Files" by the British and French governments, as well as the statement of Msgr. Bagnasco existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and this sudden and simultaneous sudden reversal of direction by the power stinks, it looks like there is under something sneaky ).
But why should these organizations deny us access to such information is verified through scientific experiments and through the careful observation of everyday? Perhaps if there were many people aware of these powers could use it for good, both to facilitate the healing process (we have seen in Section 2 as our government is intent to make us weak and sick) that radiate (with compassion meditation and exercise good intentions) messages of love that will strengthen the cohesion of human beings which are divided for purposes grim domain. Some of the experiments most interesting developed by PEAR, but also from other institutions, show that the effect of our mental powers are cumulative, and that if we apply in many in an attempt to change reality by thought the effect is most pronounced is the effect of coherence of intention that is very similar to that of the resonance or constructive interference of wave phenomena.
While many men develop their mental powers may also refine your intuition (another "hidden power" of our mind) to see more clearly what is happening around them and how power is poisoning them and manipulating. For now the criminal power above us made so that the people who know the powers of the mind was not fully aware of the logic of domination and exploitation of the elites who govern us (and so have many people using meditation and focused intention on limited objectives), while the people are well aware of how powerful are robbing and exploiting their subjects are still living in ignorance of their mental potential. I think that division is strongly supported by the powers that dominate us, and if one day they make a strong admixture of these two categories together with a renewed awareness of the reality around us (see, for example chemtrails) the power of elites that dominate the world could start to creak.
For further advice on the above-linked article "fundamentalism" of CSICOP as well as this other article by Umberto Di Grazia .
I like to open this article with the statements made by Mario Bruschi, a professor of physics (Physics Department La Sapienza of Rome) in his article :
"Six years ago I tried to check (its maintenance) these statistics reported in other studies (considered reliable and colleagues) with an experiment based on test 'classics' of telepathy and clairvoyance, having more opportunities to use a group of persons who, for the special training received, hopefully it was above normal but still far from the 'professionalism' (with the dangers). The results of the experiment itself were highly significant for me even more significant in an unexpected way: in fact an account of the experiment (later published in a U. Grazia, Technical Union, Ed Mediterranee, Roma, 1990, 147-179), circulated among friends and colleagues and sent to CICAP did me a sequence of red-hot controversy and debate, forcing me to switch from a commitment and interest 'amateur', as it was in my field 'paranormal' till then, in further study and a more 'professional'. And so, to my surprise, I discovered that (...) the existence of ESP and PK phenomena has been experimentally proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
To understand what kind of scientific experiments can be shown without a doubt the influence of mind over physical reality, telepathic communication, precognition, you must have at least an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the statistics, but to understand what scientific theories could justify them, familiarize yourself with some elements of quantum physics, be aware of the latest discoveries of biology and genetics, and we must also keep an open mind to the latest speculation in the field of theoretical physics.
's start with statistics and with the random number generators. Without going into technical detail of how it is constructed, we can confine ourselves to know that there are electronic random number generators that have been tested experimentally, namely that in the absence of external influences we can provide in a totally random numbers within a given range. To test the ability of our mind / consciousness to influence physical reality often working with random number generators that can provide only the number 0 or number 1.
The statistic shows that if I try to make 4 draws random numbers between 0 and 1 have a chance of gaining 3 times 0 and 1 once. This would lead to a result 75% to 25% 0contro 1, just a manual for a fifth high school to check with the rules of combinatorics that the probability of obtaining such a result in 4 successive extractions is 0.25. This means that on 4 series of extractions of 4 numbers are expected to obtain a series with these results. The probability of getting 2 times 2 times 0 and 1 (50% of extractions for each of the numbers) is instead equal to 0.375. The likelihood of achieving a 75% 0 in the sweepstakes is just one and half times less than that to get the 50% and 50% 0 of 1.
What changes dramatically if we do an experiment with 40 draws. In this case the probability of obtaining 30 times 10 times 0 and 1, or 0 to 75% and 25% of 1 is 162 times less than the probability of obtaining 20 times 20 times 0 and 1. The probability of that fateful 75% tends to become smaller than the probability an equitable distribution of results, until a sequence of 100 draws such an event can be judged impossible.
Similarly one can verify (it's a bit 'longer and more boring, but the type of calculation is always the same) and on a series of 100, 200 or 1000 extraction is very difficult to get 52%, 53% , or 54% of either outcome: if the number of extractions is very high it is almost impossible that the percentage of 1's and 0's differs from 50% to more than one decimal place.
Which brings us to the point: they were made thousands of experiments in which he asked the to influence people with his mind the random number generators so that they gave more than 1 0 or more than normal. Number generators were tested previously and was checked for perfect functionality: in the absence of external influences always produce 50% of 0 and 50% of 1, but in the presence of people who strive with their intention to alter results in a way that we can achieve just 52%, 53% or 54% of one of the two numbers. The probability that if you continually get these results is the product of the (already low) probability that in a single experiment there is such a deviation from 50% the result of cumulative of all experiments in this regard shows that the probability of obtaining those results by chance is around 10 to the minus 50, or is expressed by a number with 49 zeros after the decimal point: 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 to speak.
Many such experiments have been conducted in the prestigious Princeton University in the project PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research ) and some of these results were published in prestigious journals in physics, see For example, Radin DI, Nelson R., Evidence for Consciouness-Related Effects in Random Physical Systems, Foundations of Physics, 1989, 19, 1499-1514.
A committee of the U.S. Congress in 1995 has asked the experts to carry out a check for the usefulness of government funding to research on the paranormal (some of which performed at the prestigious Stanford Research Institute). Both experts have declared that there is a strong statistical evidence that proves the existence of certain phenomena, in particular Jessica Utts argues that: using the judging criteria normally used in any other field of science is absolutely proven the existence of powers mentally since the results have proven reproducible in well-designed experiments (The report can be viewed at ~ Utts / ).
What, then, certain pseudo-scientific organizations that say they investigate the paranormal with more or less declared purpose of denying their existence? We still believe that they are in good faith, after discovering that there are many strictly controlled scientific experiments that prove the reality of the so-called paranormal, and even our everyday experiences prove the existence of extrasensory perception? Suffice it to say that such experiments have been validated for example by the Nobel Prize for physics and Brian Josephson CICAP members and similar organizations (such as CSICOP) not knowing better than to say that Josephson is a Nobel Prize revoked. " Not being able to challenge the reality they try to discredit those who tell it like it is.
It is no coincidence then that the CICAP is committed directly to "prove" that chemtrails do not exist. Organisation for nothing when trusted CICAP pontificates of the inexistence of the paranormal, or when dealing with phenomena for which the organization was founded, how you want to be trusted when it denies chemtrails, especially the mouths of people admitting verbatim "I am not a physicist, not a meteorologist, not an expert aeronautical, not a chemist and then write papers on" scientific "as Focus ?. But the amount of data on the existence of paranormal phenomena is not limited to those mentioned above and in truth I could list them all without writing an encyclopedia. Those who wish to learn can read for example the following three books, the last of which also tries to give some guidance to allow us to better use (and with positive purpose) our mental powers: The extended mind R Sheldrake (and Urra) The zero-point field Lynne McTaggart, Science intention by Lynne McTaggart.
A typical experiment on extrasensory perception is the one made Mikio Yamamoto and his colleagues at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Chiba, Japan. They have done a search on the tao-ate, martial technique to attack your opponent without physical contact. In the experiment the attacker, a Chinese qigong master, and the receiver were placed on three floors away in a room screens. The behavior of the recipient (the person is "under attack") was monitored by shooting video, as well as her skin resistance and its electro-encephalogram (EEG). Obeying the instructions of the investigators who followed a randomized double-blind procedure, the striker sent his "energy attacks" and very often the receiver at that instant is depicted (demonstrated by visual observation times) and showed EEG abnormalities and the resistance of the skin. Statistical analysis of correlations observed ruled out the possibility that this happened by chance and it was concluded that the tao-ate involves a form of transmission that is not currently explained by science (but not least is real). According to the master "attacker" what is transmitted is the energy that traditionally the Orientals call qi (or ki or chi, according to the transcripts). Ref: M. Yamamoto et al (2000) Study on analyzing methods of human body functions using simultaneous Various Measurements, Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 18, 61-97.
Among the many experiments they describe a very interesting experiment has shown that all people possess an unconscious precognitive abilities, which can literally present things not yet happened. The experiment was designed in the mid-90s of the 20th century by Dean Radin and his colleagues at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. In this experiment a computer using a function randomly selects a causal images that appear at regular intervals to a person while the electro-dermal sensors can measure the resistance of the skin (finger). With the variation of the emotional state it varies sweat gland activity and skin resistance changes measured by the sensor. These sensors are connected to a computer and allow you to perform continuous monitoring and to plot emotional response as a function of time. The images you see are the subjects of the experiment on the screen for 3 seconds, then there is a 5 second pause when the screen is blank and then restarts with the next image.
The images are chosen at random from a large archive that contains an equal number
a) still images of backgrounds and landscapes
b) crude images of war, blood, violence
c) images sexual / erotic
However, it is seen that the first images of type (quiet) do not cause any change in resistance measured by the sensors (the resistance-time curve in the graph is almost flat) while the images of type b (violent) and especially those of type c (sexual) cause a surge of resistance.
The amazing thing is that the signal Answer (a surge of strength-time curve in the graph) to photographs of type b and c was recorded mostly in advance of 3 seconds on the vision of the photo.
Dirk Bierman, professor of psychology in Amsterdam this type of experiment independently replicated and verified that the effect is more apparent with erotic images. The biologist Rupert Sheldrake who was one of the subjects who underwent the experiment, said the result: "The sudden increase of my electro-dermal activity started 5 seconds before the erotic images on the screen."
Further details on these experiments can be understood reading the book Dean Radin The Conscious Universe, Harper Edge, San Francisco 1977.
short, as it may seem incredible, we have science experiments that allow us to hypothesize that the foresight (and perhaps the prophecy) are possible, that our minds can look forward in time. Thus we are led to reconsider our idea of \u200b\u200btime (at least that which has been borrowed from a science very dogmatic). Of course, this and other experiments raise numerous questions of a psychological, scientific and philosophical. Mind the purpose of which was directed with precision could know the past as the future? The future is now written? There is a destiny? The future is outlined with accuracy or are only outlined the guidelines? If we advocate the future, then things will happen: we read the book of fate as it will be a book or read about what should be the most likely destination? Cognition (at least for sums lines) can be used to influence the future or the fate equally true despite our attempts to change it? [ do not ask me precise answers, the I'm still trying, even if from my studies in the field seems to be able to deduce that fate is not entirely defined ]
I know, I could turn my head in trying to answer these questions, and all too easy to try to regain emotional security, saying "no, not true, they are all lies." But the beauty is not only that the experiments were replicated, but we all have opportunity to realize how we can sometimes predict the future without any computerized device. Suffice it to analyze our dreams just wake up every morning writing their description in a journal and then see how many times these dreams conceal premonitions. Personally, I happened to find several times in dreams premonitions realizzatesi so too accurate. Maybe there are not realized yet because you have been heavily indoctrinated brainwashed by the media, the "orthodox science," but only if you open your mind to the possibility of precognition can begin to notice coincidences that can not be random. If you'd like to know what experiments of science would believe "such nonsense" you can find them in the books already mentioned. But it would be appropriate to remind skeptics that ton of dollars spent by the CIA to develop strategies for distance vision and foresight (Stargate project) in collaboration with the physical aspects. But of course the CIA did these things only to lose time and money ...
It has happened to many, many people to experience severe feelings of pain even in the absence of any obvious cause for the pain itself, and, moreover, paralleled by an identical pain (do not say the same but just the same) tried by another person with whom one is closely related (brother, mother, father , son, friend). Typical are cases of twins, one of which an accident occurs while the other, miles away and unaware of the accident of his brother, at the same time feels the same pain in the same body part that is offended by the incident .
At this point it should be noted that, apart from some pain between the ribs, some pangs in the stomach, cramps and similar things, there are no cases of pain that are received no apparent cause, and therefore the likelihood that a person receives some pain is not low, but it is exactly zero. And this is important, because even if the probability was of 0.001 percent, very low probability that multiplying the number of years lived by a person and, above all, the number of inhabitants of our planet, we would get the absolute certainty that the first or later, certain phenomena may occur for a pure coincidence casuale.Ma think of a person who feels a pain in the knee as if he had hit, and he feels such pain while sitting or lying on the bed (which did not then hit anywhere ) is a pain due to intercostal physiological causes, but is a pain inexplicable from the standpoint of orthodox medicine and biology. If it turns out that at the same time another person connected to it (for friendship or relationship) has taken a knock to the knee, the coincidence is that it can not be explained by any random phenomenon (the case you can not bring up , pace of the leaders of CICAP and similar organizations ) while logic dictates that the phenomenon can be explained by a phenomenon of causality (the knock to the knee to the person X is a cause of knee pain of the person Y ) and then considering the reality of synchronicity, the instant sharing of emotions and sensations.
Think back to the facts of your life then you will probably find examples of similar situations in terms of pure coincidence unexplained reason, ask your friends and relatives if they have experienced similar situations, but also ask the twins you know how many times they are similar incidents which occurred sincronicitĆ .Personalmente as a teacher I had to do with so many people that I was difficult to collect several examples of such events primarily related to twins and in particular myself over me I experienced the same situation. Once, I did sleep in my house a person with a strong knee pain, and I also I felt that night the same pain, even failing to hit anywhere. The only explanation I could give is that the sensations of pain so strong that the person guests were transposed telepathically from my mind was that fit in with her.
Everyone has the possibility to examine only the powers such as ESP, telepathy, synchronicity of the non-random events are observable all around us: just open your eyes and look at reality without the prejudices that the information regime has instilled in our minds. And I assure you most believe in the possibility that such phenomena occur, most will experience them. What
So say for certain pseudo-scientific organizations that say they investigate the paranormal with more or less declared purpose of denying their existence? We still believe that they are in good faith, after discovering that there are many strictly controlled scientific experiments that prove the reality of the so-called paranormal, and even our everyday experiences prove the existence of ESP and how is it that these organizations are concerned both to deny the existence of UFOs (which in itself is not necessarily alien aircraft, but aircraft not identified), 's existence of the paranormal, the existence of civilization antediluvian the chemtrails , continuing to deny, deny, deny, until borders on the ridiculous? Perhaps because all these things are all too real, but too uncomfortable for the apparatus of power? (Except for UFOs and aliens that recently have been "rehabilitated" by the power with the publication of a number of "X Files" by the British and French governments, as well as the statement of Msgr. Bagnasco existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and this sudden and simultaneous sudden reversal of direction by the power stinks, it looks like there is under something sneaky ).
But why should these organizations deny us access to such information is verified through scientific experiments and through the careful observation of everyday? Perhaps if there were many people aware of these powers could use it for good, both to facilitate the healing process (we have seen in Section 2 as our government is intent to make us weak and sick) that radiate (with compassion meditation and exercise good intentions) messages of love that will strengthen the cohesion of human beings which are divided for purposes grim domain. Some of the experiments most interesting developed by PEAR, but also from other institutions, show that the effect of our mental powers are cumulative, and that if we apply in many in an attempt to change reality by thought the effect is most pronounced is the effect of coherence of intention that is very similar to that of the resonance or constructive interference of wave phenomena.
While many men develop their mental powers may also refine your intuition (another "hidden power" of our mind) to see more clearly what is happening around them and how power is poisoning them and manipulating. For now the criminal power above us made so that the people who know the powers of the mind was not fully aware of the logic of domination and exploitation of the elites who govern us (and so have many people using meditation and focused intention on limited objectives), while the people are well aware of how powerful are robbing and exploiting their subjects are still living in ignorance of their mental potential. I think that division is strongly supported by the powers that dominate us, and if one day they make a strong admixture of these two categories together with a renewed awareness of the reality around us (see, for example chemtrails) the power of elites that dominate the world could start to creak.
For further advice on the above-linked article "fundamentalism" of CSICOP as well as this other article by Umberto Di Grazia .
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thin Headbands Soccer
Version: Playing the flute cheeks deform
Author: Gellius Summary:
Gellius speaks of the art of playing the flute and the consequences of "negative" on the faces of those who who practice this discipline
Playing the flute cheeks deform
In Roman the free man was ashamed to play the lyre or the harp or the flute ( plural applies to all other tibia in version) ,
because they believed that this suited him to the servants, and comedians. At the Athenians but the boys were instructed to play the flute (sin) the early years (of life) ,
because it seemed very worthy men free. The well-known Pericles, Athens was made by the intelligence which extremely popular when he was beside himself nephew Alcibiades
that (this) was educated in the fine arts of his house, called Antigenide , which the Greeks believed the more good among the musicians, to instruct the boy to play the flute. But after the boy had approached the flute to his mouth and swollen cheeks had seen in the mirror, it is said that he felt ashamed of so much ugliness (= deformity ) of his face. So fell violently to the ground and the flute (lo) broke. After this news spread, that discipline was abandoned with the consent of all the Athenians and no one wanted to learn the art of the flute after (= after that time) . We read in the myths that the same happened to Diana. In fact, after he saw the water of a source's mouth swells, so ashamed of his deformity who never used the flute.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Chichis De Patricia Manterola
Version: The political system of the Gauls
Author: Cesare Summary: Caesar has, in a few lines, some of the costumes (linked to the political world) of the Gauls ... The political system of the Gauls
Author: Cesare Summary: Caesar has, in a few lines, some of the costumes (linked to the political world) of the Gauls ... The political system of the Gauls
me) it seems that it is inappropriate to speak of laws (you can also translate costumes ) of Gaul. In Gaul there are factions not only in all cities and in all and in the villages (
all ) community, but also almost in individual homes, and the leaders of these factions are the ones who are believed to have the highest (maximum = ) power. It seems that this has been established in the past for this reason: so that none of the mob was helpless against a more powerful (
final value proposition with subject-declarative ): in fact, everyone does not allow her to be oppressed and overwhelmed, and, if it behaves otherwise, has no authority among his. It seems that this system is the same throughout the whole of Gaul, and in fact the whole population (
plural) seems to be divided into two parts. When Caesar arrived in Gaul, it seemed that the leaders of a (
of the two) were the Aedui faction, the other the Sequani.
of the two) were the Aedui faction, the other the Sequani.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
How Do I Delete Songs Off My Sd Card
Version: The miser does not use his treasure
From now on, I decided to delete my comments trivial and out of place in early versions by only a brief summary of the text that will follow, and stating, where possible, the author. These days do not have much time to post and I do not think I'll be in the weeks that follow: so my contribution will not be many. That said, the public version. Summary: version is about two people, one rich and one poor. When it goes to apply for a loan other protagonist, receives a negative response ...
The miser does not use his treasure From now on, I decided to delete my comments trivial and out of place in early versions by only a brief summary of the text that will follow, and stating, where possible, the author. These days do not have much time to post and I do not think I'll be in the weeks that follow: so my contribution will not be many. That said, the public version. Summary: version is about two people, one rich and one poor. When it goes to apply for a loan other protagonist, receives a negative response ...
( occurro governs the dative) who had the great riches. Driven by necessity, (man)
approached him and humbly asked to borrow some money (read: money borrowed some churches) . The rich refused with great confidence, he returned home, he dug a ditch on his farm, and hid all his wealth, which, when dug, review daily. But once a thief saw all (read: what the rich = digging for treasure to look at)
night and stole all their wealth (read: everything) . When the day came after the failure (read: was)
the pit, took out the land but did not find his treasure. Then he began to cry (read: putting out a lot of tears) . That poor man, who had denied the money and saw him, (he's rich) told him the misfortune (read: lost) . To which the (answered) : "Why do you torment? Happiness that you had the money? Who helped? Put a stone in the place where he had hidden the treasure. For what concerns you, will be the same and no one will steal (steal the stone refers to the express version with pencil lapidis male gender the entire page. To this, however, there is a remedy: If you have a scanner and Softi Free OCR the problem is solved. This software (free ) is able to transform the scanned document (image format, that is. jpg or other) in a word file (. doc) and
Notepad (.
txt). The program is "Freeware
" and free. Use
issued by
Google . In terms of graph is very simple: it has three buttons (for scanning documents open / image / OCR) and OCR simply press (after a scanned page) that the image is transformed into text. So far, nothing special will say there are other free software capable of doing everything. But there Anything 'other: among all the programs I have installed this is the ' one can also analyze documents in Italian ! It is enough to visit the site of Tesseract engine and from there download the file Tesseract-2.00.ita.tar.gz . Unpacked it is necessary to go to "C: \\ Program Files \\
FreeOCR 24 \\ tesseract \\ tessdata " and paste the files in the unzipped earlier. Undertaken a Softi Free OCR can be selected, in addition to English, including Italian. One suggestion is to scan images at a resolution above 200 dpi (I do it at 300 dpi and the results are very good). In addition, to avoid deleting garbled, you can select by holding down the left mouse button only the necessary parts, eliminating the edges that are results from the scan. To download the software just visit the official website (in English). Check it out!

FreeOCR 24 \\ tesseract \\ tessdata " and paste the files in the unzipped earlier. Undertaken a Softi Free OCR can be selected, in addition to English, including Italian. One suggestion is to scan images at a resolution above 200 dpi (I do it at 300 dpi and the results are very good). In addition, to avoid deleting garbled, you can select by holding down the left mouse button only the necessary parts, eliminating the edges that are results from the scan. To download the software just visit the official website (in English). Check it out!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Great White Shark Abiotic Factors
AQUEDUCT PARK TO CLEAN UP THE WORLD WIDE Pettazzoni (Alexandria Aqueduct)
Today Sunday, September 28, 2008 Sunday, September 28 "Clean Rome," the initiative to volunteer for the care and cleanliness of the city and organized by Legambiente Lazio City of Rome, and 'Toccata VI Hall at the park in our Alexandria Aqueduct (Largo Pettazzoni) Legambiente volunteers, employees of the AMA, Scout Association of Rome, the football team SS Lazio Marines and local residents (with accompanying children) will volunteers have worked in the collection of waste (hundreds of bags collected in areas adjacent to the park, several syringes, burnt remains of scooters etc ...) in cleaning graffiti in the park (AMA staff), repair the playground. The
everything 'was broadcast live by RAI (Italy Air Environment) also attended the Mayor of Rome Alemanno, the President of Palmieri VI hall, representatives of the Environmental League and Institutions City of Rome.
Today Sunday, September 28, 2008 Sunday, September 28 "Clean Rome," the initiative to volunteer for the care and cleanliness of the city and organized by Legambiente Lazio City of Rome, and 'Toccata VI Hall at the park in our Alexandria Aqueduct (Largo Pettazzoni) Legambiente volunteers, employees of the AMA, Scout Association of Rome, the football team SS Lazio Marines and local residents (with accompanying children) will volunteers have worked in the collection of waste (hundreds of bags collected in areas adjacent to the park, several syringes, burnt remains of scooters etc ...) in cleaning graffiti in the park (AMA staff), repair the playground. The
everything 'was broadcast live by RAI (Italy Air Environment) also attended the Mayor of Rome Alemanno, the President of Palmieri VI hall, representatives of the Environmental League and Institutions City of Rome.
short, a special day not only for the occasional event (sensibilizzzare important for people) and the presence of institutions, but because 'for the first time we, the residents of the area we had the opportunity to know each other better, talk about problems the affected area, cleaning the whole area of \u200b\u200borgannizzare (together) a more 'accurate area for the future.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hospice Morphine Ativan
Softi Free OCR: First year special
Note: I started writing this post on the evening of July 20 The first time I wrote on the blog was in ' April 2007, after which I changed many things , to arrive at a more substantial change in August of that year, so, everything in a blog , despite being released in April 2007, is one year in ' August 2008. In recent days I have changed the colors, logo and background (I switched to a simpler style), it does not look too gray. The following public the number of posts per category from 13:08:07:
Biology - Chemistry 2 - 0 Cinema - 4
Communication - 5 Physics - 0
Latino - 12 Note: I started writing this post on the evening of July 20 The first time I wrote on the blog was in ' April 2007, after which I changed many things , to arrive at a more substantial change in August of that year, so, everything in a blog , despite being released in April 2007, is one year in ' August 2008. In recent days I have changed the colors, logo and background (I switched to a simpler style), it does not look too gray. The following public the number of posts per category from 13:08:07:
Biology - Chemistry 2 - 0 Cinema - 4
Communication - 5 Physics - 0
Special - 14
TV - 3 Web - 8 In one year the number of visitors who entered the blog was not very high. Statistics are provided by Histats
. The computer from which I write is not counted in the results . Here are some details on the visits: Total visitors - 3520
Total page views - 5067

. The computer from which I write is not counted in the results . Here are some details on the visits: Total visitors - 3520
Total page views - 5067
- Page views per visitor - 1.4
- Member States of origin are:
- Italy - 3303
- U.S. visitors - 86 visitors
- Other Countries - 105 visitors
- In this post I wanted to say also that I updated the terms of use of
- everything in a blog
- : content on this blog are freely accessible / printable provided
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Is A Brazilian Wax Awkward
Sunday, September 14, 2008 In the spring
reported in a post that cleaning the garden had been much better off Pettazzoni ...... well .... after the summer the situation and 'been slowly deteriorating (see photo) of course the institutions of competence are made known, we also reported the situation of environmental degradation to the delegate of the 6th after finding that the town hall in person, said he impact would be done to resolve the situation.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 In the spring
reported in a post that cleaning the garden had been much better off Pettazzoni ...... well .... after the summer the situation and 'been slowly deteriorating (see photo) of course the institutions of competence are made known, we also reported the situation of environmental degradation to the delegate of the 6th after finding that the town hall in person, said he impact would be done to resolve the situation.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Painful Swollen Lymph Nodes In Neck Mean What
- Lively: chat in 3D in which each account has an avatar that can be changed (clothes, shoes, hats), but can also create their own room where you meet new people ...
- Lively by Google is, at least for now, in beta (ie test), although the graphics are very good: this is why you need a PC with a decent graphics card and RAM (512mb of RAM I do not think they are sufficient). The way to communicate with others is very convenient (see picture): After having written the text, style bubble, see a cloud that is visible to all users in the room where you are. For the moment only works with Windows Internet Explorer or Firefox. I tried it and liked it (even though it was a bit 'too slow, perhaps because of my pc): If you also want to chat, visit
Updated: some of Lively rooms were closed for violation of the conditions of use of the service contained pornographic material (source update: )
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Who Has Biggest Boobs In Bollywood
Lively: the virtual life according to Google Firefox
The June 17, 2008 occurred the so-called Firefox Download Day. The Mozilla team had set itself the goal of entering the Guinness Book of World Records
as the most downloaded software within 24 hours. Of course, in order to succeed, it was necessary to "help" of all those who love and support Firefox (and especially using it). On the website of the program you could register by entering your e-mail: in this way could receive warning messages to the fateful day (the first secret). Well, the company has succeeded! Initially There was some problem with the website (probably in overload) from which you would have done the download, but after the address was made available and allowed 8,002,530 downloads were made. In fact, this morning I received an e-mail from Firefox team, which I reproduce here in part:

We set a Guinness World Record for the most number of downloads of a program carried out within 24 hours. With your help we reached 8,002,530 downloads.
Now you become part of a world record and you're the lucky owners of the best version of Firefox!
People who also help with this win (and also those who did not do so) can get a "certificate" which is alleged participation in your company (you see my post at top). To get it in pdf format. Visit this address
Firefox . Obviously, I recommend you do the download of Firefox 3 (which is optimized for this blog) visiting the appropriate page for Download . If you own a previous version will notice a change in the graphics (especially the buttons), but also faster.
Now you become part of a world record and you're the lucky owners of the best version of Firefox!
People who also help with this win (and also those who did not do so) can get a "certificate" which is alleged participation in your company (you see my post at top). To get it in pdf format. Visit this address
Firefox . Obviously, I recommend you do the download of Firefox 3 (which is optimized for this blog) visiting the appropriate page for Download . If you own a previous version will notice a change in the graphics (especially the buttons), but also faster.
Update: now available July 17 Firefox 3.0.1.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Pokemon Platinum Rom English
D-Day: Everything in a special
After more than four weeks back with a new post, labeled once again under Special . Rather than talk about video games or whatever, I do this action today to present a program very useful and also free, features that do not always go together. The software is called
? WithMcAfee Site Advisorand covers the web pages you visit or not, how many times have you wanted to enter a site having doubts about its safety
McAfee Site Advisor
, after entering a keyword on a search engine like Google
(or others), marked in blue next to the preview you will find a mbo

the (top left image ) which will indicate the level of security of the site: Red - it is not advisable to visit it, may contain harmful files Green - the site is OK, there are dangers Yellow - warning! There is something wrong Grey - the site has not yet been analyzed addition, placing the mouse cursor over one of the symbols that appear, a window appears in which there are more (eg . dangerous downloads !). To the right an example of a site, according to Site Advisor not entirely sure (the picture was blurry ): The program we
- warns of the danger of the site and clicking on
- Other information, provides us with more details on the site looked like State in which it is put online, the number of visitors (few, many ...) and more .
- while visiting a site, but every time we open our browser, Site Advisor
- will be in window colored according to the security of the site visited. If you want to download it visit
- SiteAdvisor
that, I remind you once again, is FREE
and SAFE! Note: This blog is not connected it to Site Advisor McAfee to it! That concludes the post. Hello! Update 07/09/2008: After downloading Firefox 3, I noticed that the icons no longer appear in search engines. The only solution I found was that uninstall SiteAdvisor (not from the console of Firefox add-ons, but going from Start to Set Program Access, Add / remove programs) and go at SiteAdvisor and repetition of the download and installation.


Saturday, May 31, 2008
Will I Have Ewcm Before My Period
a blog site safe or dangerous: a special blog to
per million (or should I say billions?) Fans of the game series " Grand Theft Auto
"April 29, 2008 the long awaited day has arrived: the release of the fourth chapter! Initially the release date was set for October 16 2007, but was later moved. For those who do not know what kind it is GTA, I just say a few things: it is an action game, but also the freedom to explore and thus provides an infinite number of hours to spend
within the virtual world created by the creators.
Gta - Series (image taken from this site, quoted above, information) XBOXWAY
(direct link to the site where you can find information about the sales)
(additional information)
GTA IV (official game site, in English, must be an adult)
PlayStation (PS website )
per million (or should I say billions?) Fans of the game series " Grand Theft Auto
"April 29, 2008 the long awaited day has arrived: the release of the fourth chapter! Initially the release date was set for October 16 2007, but was later moved. For those who do not know what kind it is GTA, I just say a few things: it is an action game, but also the freedom to explore and thus provides an infinite number of hours to spend
within the virtual world created by the creators.
With GTA IV, the house producer, and then developing Rockstar North marks its entry into the Next Generation
(for instance, with Next Generation we refer to as the console
PS 3 and Xbox
360) and passing through the console 360. The story as told by real directors "Hollywood" tells the story of Niko Bellic , eastern Europe, who moves from his cousin Roman in the vast metropolis of Liberty City , that is playing in New York, the Big Apple. According to reliable sources, the game graphics is simply spectacular and generally the whole gaming environment is amazing ... In short, you can then say: Rockstar Games this time he made his major. She managed to give their best in every field: evolved gameplay, stunning graphics, dialogues sublime, the physics engine from chills, and a fantastic soundtrack by Oscar storyline. (Adapted from Gta - series ) The game has made its entrance on store shelves - in the contemporary world - April 29, and analysts say that this masterpiece will collect sales staggering. This is demonstrated, as the result of record copies sold in England: well 609,000 in just twenty-four hours, thus beating the record of sales GTA: San Andreas (title above) that it had sold 501,000 . That is, if you have a XBOX 360 or PS
3 is an opportunity not to be missed if you run in the shops of this genre. Notes The company names, consoles, video games, various titles, images, characters, places (Liberty City) the property of their respective owners: This blog is not in any way connected with Rockstar or other sites listed below. This is only the link on which you can find more information relying on sources I consulted. Sources:
Gta - Series (image taken from this site, quoted above, information) XBOXWAY
(direct link to the site where you can find information about the sales)
(additional information)
GTA IV (official game site, in English, must be an adult)
PlayStation (PS website )
Friday, May 2, 2008
Phrases On The Wedding Card
Everything in GTA IV: Everything in a special blog to
And with that we are already at the third post in April. This time, as you can tell from the title, "place" a new version, written, I think, by Valerio Massimo (if I'm wrong you will still find a fix on my blog) and is titled "The deception of a Roman priest ". With this release we return once again at the age monarchical (according to tradition, 753 - 509 BC) and is, in my opinion, justify the formation of the Roman Empire. Here is the translation. The deception of a Roman priest During the reign of Servius Tullius after a cow of one of extraordinary size and beauty was born to some householders in Sabine territory, by the priests was stated that if someone had that animal sacrifice in honor of Diana (ie Diana, the goddess of hunting, dative of advantage) on Mount Aventine, her country would have gained control of all the earth (from totius orbis terrarum ). The owner happy for that prophecy came to Rome with great haste, he put the cow in front of the altar of Diana, to win (the final value of the future participle) with this command the sacrifice of the human race for Sabini. Then felt the first priest of the temple of that event (topic), urged that to not kill the victim before it was purified with water from the current station. While the farmer, having followed the advice, headed all'alveo of the Tiber, the priest met the opportunity, he sacrificed the cow to gain stolen by the pious sacrifice to the earth the command of the Roman people. [by Valerio Massimo] hope that you find it useful, I conclude this post. Hello!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Latest Soul Silver Freeze Patch
Garden of Largo Pettazzoni .... finally seems to rise again ...
THE STATE OF DECAY before surgery:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
After numerous protests and complaints from local residents, a number of meetings with representatives of the institutions concerned by a VIAVAI sites and local newspapers to denounce the deterioration AMBIENTEWEB that struck this important archaeological site, the administration of the 6 th City Hall and 'run for cover: you have changed the old wooden benches with other more' functional and more 'strong, clean the area and' much more 'accurate , and finally the bed 'was pruned !!!!!, the area reserved for the playground and' was fenced ... so the overall picture is finally improving ... at the moment and 'present a petition (to sign and 'available at some retailers in the area) to light up again after the archaeological site of Alexandria Aqueduct twice !!!!! the lights were destroyed dall'incivilta 'of someone who may prefer that the area remained in the degradation!!
THE STATE OF DECAY before surgery:
Friday, April 18, 2008
Bible Black Streaming Japanese
Version: The fraud of a Roman priest
I write this post under the label
since I uploaded a movie on Google Video portal . The file in question shows some short clips shot by me with a digital camera to Caorso (PC). To export the video from the camera I used Nero and Windows Movie Maker for editing. The image quality, as well as the audio is relatively low because of the many conversions of the file: initially it was still pretty good. At first I wanted to upload on youtube
(I have an account there too), but then I could not do it (the page was disconnected, probably because of the speed of my adsl) and then I decided to upload to Google Video. The video can be found below. Enjoy!
To address directly the video on Google Video (where you can vote for it) click HERE
(I have an account there too), but then I could not do it (the page was disconnected, probably because of the speed of my adsl) and then I decided to upload to Google Video. The video can be found below. Enjoy!
To address directly the video on Google Video (where you can vote for it) click HERE
. Hello and the next post!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Aftershave Packaging Description
eccocci And in April. I'll be back, and then, after less than a month with a new version of Cornelius Nepos focused on the wars between Greeks and Persians. Here is the translation. The Persians attack Greece On the other hand Darius, after he returned from Europe to Asia, was urged the councilors to bring Greece under (to) its aurotriĆ : Dario therefore prepared a fleet of five ships and started to head Dates and Artaphrenes and gave them two hundred soldiers, (and) ten thousand horsemen, under the pretext of being aduce an enemy to the Athenians, because (he said) Ions with their help had conquered Sardis, and (as) had killed his guards. Those commanders gifts, turn the fleet to Euboea, Eretria quickly captured and sent to Asia by king all citizens abducted from their city. From there they came to Attica, and led troops in the plain of Marathon. This is (is) about ten thousand steps away from the city. The Athenians, shocked by this attack so close and so great as a messenger sent to Sparta Philip, for help. At home instead of ten military commanders who were appointed to head the army, where (in which the judiciary) elected Miltiades.
[by Cornelius Nepos]
Hello everyone. At the next post!
eccocci And in April. I'll be back, and then, after less than a month with a new version of Cornelius Nepos focused on the wars between Greeks and Persians. Here is the translation. The Persians attack Greece On the other hand Darius, after he returned from Europe to Asia, was urged the councilors to bring Greece under (to) its aurotriĆ : Dario therefore prepared a fleet of five ships and started to head Dates and Artaphrenes and gave them two hundred soldiers, (and) ten thousand horsemen, under the pretext of being aduce an enemy to the Athenians, because (he said) Ions with their help had conquered Sardis, and (as) had killed his guards. Those commanders gifts, turn the fleet to Euboea, Eretria quickly captured and sent to Asia by king all citizens abducted from their city. From there they came to Attica, and led troops in the plain of Marathon. This is (is) about ten thousand steps away from the city. The Athenians, shocked by this attack so close and so great as a messenger sent to Sparta Philip, for help. At home instead of ten military commanders who were appointed to head the army, where (in which the judiciary) elected Miltiades.
[by Cornelius Nepos]
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Best Road Bike For Your Buck
version on Google Video: The Persians attack Greece
After Labienus realized it had to be accomplished a very difficult undertaking, which came out in silence from the camp came to
the same road through which he had arrived . This is a city of Senoni, located on an island in
Sequana, as we said just before about
Lutetia. He took about fifty ships and gathered (them) quickly and get on board there, the soldiers and terrified citizens with the novelty of the situation, seized without effort the city. Repaired the bridge, that the enemy had cut a few days earlier, he led the army and began to march along the river course. The enemy, know what happened to those who had fled
Metiosedo, ordered the city was on fire and that the bridges of the fortress
were cut: the same, started from the swamp, were against the camp of Labienus
's version is now part of the works of so-called Corpus Cesarianum
, that is the set of works relating to the business of Caesar. In fact, this version does not have the protagonist Caesar, but his general Tito . It is said, in fact, an action of the latter against a city of Gaul,
. So here's my translation.
cautious action , that is the set of works relating to the business of Caesar. In fact, this version does not have the protagonist Caesar, but his general Tito . It is said, in fact, an action of the latter against a city of Gaul,
. So here's my translation.
After Labienus realized it had to be accomplished a very difficult undertaking, which came out in silence from the camp came to
the same road through which he had arrived . This is a city of Senoni, located on an island in
Sequana, as we said just before about
Lutetia. He took about fifty ships and gathered (them) quickly and get on board there, the soldiers and terrified citizens with the novelty of the situation, seized without effort the city. Repaired the bridge, that the enemy had cut a few days earlier, he led the army and began to march along the river course. The enemy, know what happened to those who had fled
. Meanwhile Bellovaci
, heard the rebellion Aedui , began to gather strength and prepare a clear war. Then Labienus understood the need to take another tactic. [Caesar]
Tomorrow, Friday, March 14, pi is the

Tomorrow, Friday, March 14, pi is the
Day So Good Pi Day to all! the next post! The administrator of 'Everything
in a blog. "
in a blog. "
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